krishna366 / WhatNextAfterLockdown

Once India comes out after COVID-19 lock down what are the possible challenges it is going face and how to face them?
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How to handle : If employees become extra jealous of peers who did well during lockdown ? #8

Open krishna366 opened 4 years ago

krishna366 commented 4 years ago

Answer from my friend Suhdir via Whatsapp. He can be reached on

Let them compare to those who have struggling to make both ends meet. Envy is a waste of time... Ask them to follow any spiritual path they like... to lead a happy, joyful and purposeful life.

It's even reduces work stress, improve interpersonal relationships not only in work place.. but also in family, friends and relatives and majorly with society.

Let them follow any of below few options : (Just listing a few known to me, even any others spiritual methods or process known to them also can be followed and reinforced.. which leads toa peaceful & harmonious life despite all ebbs and tides in life)

a) Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev @ Isha foundation.

b) Anaoansatu Meditation(Just simply concentration on Breathing sitting in any comfortable poster) by Subhash Patri., PMC channel in youtube.

c) Rajayoga by Bramhakumari's

d) Vipassana Mediation by S.N. Goenka. (For new beginners min. a 10day course is required in ashram)

e) Swami Vivekananda's teachings at Rama krishna Math

f) Navajivana vedam by Garikapati Narasimha Rao in Telugu.

Even I have practiced a few of the above meditation's. Of which Anapana Sati mediation(Founded by Gautham Budha & thought by Pyramid meditation society) is one of the best.

For discourses for personality development Sadhguru, Pyramid meditation & Garikapati can be followed. Many videos related to them are available on YouTube.