krishnachaitanya0107 / TextRecognizerApp

An Android app that can recognize text from an image with the help of Machine Learning-Kit .
MIT License
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Does it supports mathematical equations ? #1

Open gulabsagevadiya opened 2 years ago

gulabsagevadiya commented 2 years ago

I just want to know if this ml kit does support mathematical equations to latex conversation ?

krishnachaitanya0107 commented 2 years ago

Hi @gulabsagevadiya , As far as i know , The ML kit does not support mathematical equations to latex conversation right now .

gulabsagevadiya commented 2 years ago

Is there any free solution for image to latex like mathpix ? For simpler math equations? Specifically for android

krishnachaitanya0107 commented 2 years ago

Well Unfortunately I couldn't find any free solution for image to latex for android . But since it is about simpler math equations , One temporary solution could be to use text recognition in ML kit to extract text from an image and then maybe convert that extracted string into latex , Although This isn't the best solution because most of the time the text recognition seems to fail in recognizing math symbols which could be problematic .

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to somehow make it learn non-English letters too? How do you teach it to learn other languages?

krishnachaitanya0107 commented 2 years ago

@AndroidDeveloperLB the official documentation says that this ML kit can recognise text across latin-based languages . Here is a link to the documentation -

But if you want to teach it some other language . You can train your own model by providing some sample data here -

And then use the generated ML model in your android app .

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 2 years ago

@krishnachaitanya0107 Oh sorry for this. Still I was talking about something similar. Is it a hard thing to teach and use it? I've noticed that even on the sample, it often fails to recognize English letters well. Did you teach it, or was it Google?

gulabsagevadiya commented 2 years ago

Hey I have one question about this technology. I already have so many LaTeX code. And I can generate their mathematical equations images with some android library. So can I train model to convert image to LaTeX code with teachablemachine?

krishnachaitanya0107 commented 2 years ago

@AndroidDeveloperLB in the sample i actually used a pre-trained model by Google , and yeah it fails to recognise text properly sometimes. I brought up the teachable machine part only because you wanted a way to recognise non English letters.

The teachable machine by Google isn't actually hard to use , you just need to have enough training data to train the model . The more the data you provide it , the more accurate the model will be .

krishnachaitanya0107 commented 2 years ago

@gulabsagevadiya If you have data to train the model , then you can go ahead and give it a try .