krisk / Fuse

Lightweight fuzzy-search, in JavaScript
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IE11 compatibility #374

Closed guillaumewuip closed 4 years ago

guillaumewuip commented 4 years ago

It seems the IE11 compatibility is broken with 5.0.10-beta .

I use webpack to bundle my app and, looking at your rollup config, I think it's probably because webpack use the lib package.json module field when possible.

If I understand correctly your rollup config, it outputs ES6 (both ES6 modules and other ES6 features) for the esm bundle.

Should not the esm bundle be ES5 with ES6 module import/export for tree shaking like explained for example here?

Something like this for the tsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "es6",
    "target": "es5",

Let me know if I can help with a PR :)

krisk commented 4 years ago

Want to create a PR for this?

guillaumewuip commented 4 years ago

Yes 👍

guillaumewuip commented 4 years ago

Looking further on the IE11 crash error, we see this image (1)

This seems to be the babel result of this line

To be IE11 compatible, we should not have object spreading here. It's looks like babel is not removing those.

guillaumewuip commented 4 years ago

381 should fix this

evanmoses-okta commented 4 years ago

This should still be open until #383 is merged.

slorber commented 3 years ago

agree, this is still a problem to me and not sure which version > 5.x I can use with a fix for IE11 / Edge 18.

Afaik the only solution is to ask webpack's babel loader to transpile this lib