krisk / Fuse

Lightweight fuzzy-search, in JavaScript
Apache License 2.0
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Old namespace syntax for typescript definitions breaks when using ES Modules #679

Closed spicemix closed 1 year ago

spicemix commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

When I try to import Fuse with the latest ES Modules version of Typescript 4.7, I have enormous difficulty working with the old namespace syntax Fuse is currently using.



Is this a regression?


🔬Minimal Reproduction

Create a typescript project with ES Modules (package.json "type": "module" etc) and import Fuse from 'fuse.js';

Additional context

To workaround this for the time being, I created a custom-typings.d.ts file at my src root with the following in it (although there it's inside declare module 'fuse.js' {...} because it's in a global custom-typings.d.ts), an extremely light edit of your existing type definitions, getting rid of the old namespace syntax. It's still imported and used the exact same way, as Fuse.js is still seen as a CommonJS module at runtime.

You are free to use this in Fuse.js of course! I didn't want to go through the hassle of making a pull request if you think this is going to break too many old projects (would it?). But my experience is you are breaking future and current projects already with the old namespace syntax. Thanks for your work on Fuse.js!

  // Type definitions for Fuse.js v6.6.2
  // TypeScript v4.5.4

  export default class Fuse<T> {
      list: ReadonlyArray<T>,
      options?: Fuse.IFuseOptions<T>,
      index?: Fuse.FuseIndex<T>
     * Search function for the Fuse instance.
     * ```typescript
     * const list: MyType[] = [myType1, myType2, etc...]

     * const options: Fuse.IFuseOptions<MyType> = {
     *  keys: ['key1', 'key2']
     * }
     * const myFuse = new Fuse(list, options)
     * let result ='pattern')
     * ```
     * @param pattern The pattern to search
     * @param options `Fuse.FuseSearchOptions`
     * @returns An array of search results
    search<R = T>(
      pattern: string | Fuse.Expression,
      options?: Fuse.FuseSearchOptions
    ): Fuse.FuseResult<R>[];

    setCollection(docs: ReadonlyArray<T>, index?: Fuse.FuseIndex<T>): void;

     * Adds a doc to the end the list.
    add(doc: T): void;

     * Removes all documents from the list which the predicate returns truthy for,
     * and returns an array of the removed docs.
     * The predicate is invoked with two arguments: (doc, index).
    remove(predicate: (doc: T, idx: number) => boolean): T[];

     * Removes the doc at the specified index.
    removeAt(idx: number): void;

     * Returns the generated Fuse index
    getIndex(): Fuse.FuseIndex<T>;

     * Return the current version.
    static version: string;

     * Use this method to pre-generate the index from the list, and pass it
     * directly into the Fuse instance.
     * _Note that Fuse will automatically index the table if one isn't provided
     * during instantiation._
     * ```typescript
     * const list: MyType[] = [myType1, myType2, etc...]
     * const index = Fuse.createIndex<MyType>(
     *  keys: ['key1', 'key2']
     *  list: list
     * )
     * const options: Fuse.IFuseOptions<MyType> = {
     *  keys: ['key1', 'key2']
     * }
     * const myFuse = new Fuse(list, options, index)
     * ```
     * @param keys    The keys to index
     * @param list    The list from which to create an index
     * @param options?
     * @returns An indexed list
    static createIndex<U>(
      keys: Array<Fuse.FuseOptionKey<U>>,
      list: ReadonlyArray<U>,
      options?: Fuse.FuseIndexOptions<U>
    ): Fuse.FuseIndex<U>;

    static parseIndex<U>(
      index: any,
      options?: Fuse.FuseIndexOptions<U>
    ): Fuse.FuseIndex<U>;

  export class FuseIndex<T> {
    constructor(options?: FuseIndexOptions<T>);
    setSources(docs: ReadonlyArray<T>): void;
    setKeys(keys: ReadonlyArray<string>): void;
    setIndexRecords(records: FuseIndexRecords): void;
    create(): void;
    add(doc: T): void;
    toJSON(): {
      keys: ReadonlyArray<string>;
      records: FuseIndexRecords;

  type FuseGetFunction<T> = (
    obj: T,
    path: string | string[]
  ) => ReadonlyArray<string> | string;

  export type FuseIndexOptions<T> = {
    getFn: FuseGetFunction<T>;

  // {
  //   title: { '$': "Old Man's War" },
  //   'author.firstName': { '$': 'Codenar' }
  // }
  // OR
  // {
  //   tags: [
  //     { $: 'nonfiction', idx: 0 },
  //     { $: 'web development', idx: 1 },
  //   ]
  // }
  export type FuseSortFunctionItem = {
    [key: string]: { $: string } | { $: string; idx: number }[];

  // {
  //   score: 0.001,
  //   key: 'author.firstName',
  //   value: 'Codenar',
  //   indices: [ [ 0, 3 ] ]
  // }
  export type FuseSortFunctionMatch = {
    score: number;
    key: string;
    value: string;
    indices: ReadonlyArray<number>[];

  // {
  //   score: 0,
  //   key: 'tags',
  //   value: 'nonfiction',
  //   idx: 1,
  //   indices: [ [ 0, 9 ] ]
  // }
  export type FuseSortFunctionMatchList = FuseSortFunctionMatch & {
    idx: number;

  export type FuseSortFunctionArg = {
    idx: number;
    item: FuseSortFunctionItem;
    score: number;
    matches?: (FuseSortFunctionMatch | FuseSortFunctionMatchList)[];

  export type FuseSortFunction = (
    a: FuseSortFunctionArg,
    b: FuseSortFunctionArg
  ) => number;

  // title: {
  //   '$': "Old Man's War",
  //   'n': 0.5773502691896258
  // }
  type RecordEntryObject = {
    v: string; // The text value
    n: number; // The field-length norm

  // '': [{
  //   'v': 'pizza lover',
  //   'i': 2,
  //   'n: 0.7071067811865475
  // }
  type RecordEntryArrayItem = ReadonlyArray<RecordEntryObject & { i: number }>;

  // TODO: this makes it difficult to infer the type. Need to think more about this
  type RecordEntry = {
    [key: string]: RecordEntryObject | RecordEntryArrayItem;

  // {
  //   i: 0,
  //   '$': {
  //     '0': { v: "Old Man's War", n: 0.5773502691896258 },
  //     '1': { v: 'Codenar', n: 1 },
  //     '2': [
  //       { v: 'pizza lover', i: 2, n: 0.7071067811865475 },
  //       { v: 'helo wold', i: 1, n: 0.7071067811865475 },
  //       { v: 'hello world', i: 0, n: 0.7071067811865475 }
  //     ]
  //   }
  // }
  type FuseIndexObjectRecord = {
    i: number; // The index of the record in the source list
    $: RecordEntry;

  // {
  //   keys: null,
  //   list: [
  //     { v: 'one', i: 0, n: 1 },
  //     { v: 'two', i: 1, n: 1 },
  //     { v: 'three', i: 2, n: 1 }
  //   ]
  // }
  type FuseIndexStringRecord = {
    i: number; // The index of the record in the source list
    v: string; // The text value
    n: number; // The field-length norm

  type FuseIndexRecords =
    | ReadonlyArray<FuseIndexObjectRecord>
    | ReadonlyArray<FuseIndexStringRecord>;

  // {
  //   name: 'title',
  //   weight: 0.7
  // }
  export type FuseOptionKeyObject<T> = {
    name: string | string[];
    weight?: number;
    getFn?: (obj: T) => ReadonlyArray<string> | string;

  export type FuseOptionKey<T> = FuseOptionKeyObject<T> | string | string[];

  export interface IFuseOptions<T> {
    /** Indicates whether comparisons should be case sensitive. */
    isCaseSensitive?: boolean;
    /** Determines how close the match must be to the fuzzy location (specified by `location`). An exact letter match which is `distance` characters away from the fuzzy location would score as a complete mismatch. A `distance` of `0` requires the match be at the exact `location` specified. A distance of `1000` would require a perfect match to be within `800` characters of the `location` to be found using a `threshold` of `0.8`. */
    distance?: number;
    /** When true, the matching function will continue to the end of a search pattern even if a perfect match has already been located in the string. */
    findAllMatches?: boolean;
    /** The function to use to retrieve an object's value at the provided path. The default will also search nested paths. */
    getFn?: FuseGetFunction<T>;
    /** When `true`, search will ignore `location` and `distance`, so it won't matter where in the string the pattern appears. */
    ignoreLocation?: boolean;
    /** When `true`, the calculation for the relevance score (used for sorting) will ignore the `field-length norm`. */
    ignoreFieldNorm?: boolean;
    /** Determines how much the `field-length norm` affects scoring. A value of `0` is equivalent to ignoring the field-length norm. A value of `0.5` will greatly reduce the effect of field-length norm, while a value of `2.0` will greatly increase it. */
    fieldNormWeight?: number;
    /** Whether the matches should be included in the result set. When `true`, each record in the result set will include the indices of the matched characters. These can consequently be used for highlighting purposes. */
    includeMatches?: boolean;
    /** Whether the score should be included in the result set. A score of `0`indicates a perfect match, while a score of `1` indicates a complete mismatch. */
    includeScore?: boolean;
    /** List of keys that will be searched. This supports nested paths, weighted search, searching in arrays of `strings` and `objects`. */
    keys?: Array<FuseOptionKey<T>>;
    /** Determines approximately where in the text is the pattern expected to be found. */
    location?: number;
    /** Only the matches whose length exceeds this value will be returned. (For instance, if you want to ignore single character matches in the result, set it to `2`). */
    minMatchCharLength?: number;
    /** Whether to sort the result list, by score. */
    shouldSort?: boolean;
    /** The function to use to sort all the results. The default will sort by ascending relevance score, ascending index. */
    sortFn?: FuseSortFunction;
    /** At what point does the match algorithm give up. A threshold of `0.0` requires a perfect match (of both letters and location), a threshold of `1.0` would match anything. */
    threshold?: number;
    /** When `true`, it enables the use of unix-like search commands. See [example](/examples.html#extended-search). */
    useExtendedSearch?: boolean;

  // Denotes the start/end indices of a match
  //                 start    end
  //                   ↓       ↓
  type RangeTuple = [number, number];

  export type FuseResultMatch = {
    indices: ReadonlyArray<RangeTuple>;
    key?: string;
    refIndex?: number;
    value?: string;

  export type FuseSearchOptions = {
    limit: number;

  export type FuseResult<T> = {
    item: T;
    refIndex: number;
    score?: number;
    matches?: ReadonlyArray<FuseResultMatch>;

  export type Expression =
    | { [key: string]: string }
    | {
        $path: ReadonlyArray<string>;
        $val: string;
    | { $and?: Expression[] }
    | { $or?: Expression[] };

  export const config: Required<IFuseOptions<any>>;
adam-coster commented 1 year ago

@spicemix Thanks for sharing this solution!

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue is stale because it has been open 120 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 30 days

abalmos commented 1 year ago

We also ran into this issue. The work around is sufficient, but will get out sync if upstream changes.