krisppurg / dimscord

A Discord Bot & REST Library for Nim.
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Add autocomplete #68

Closed ire4ever1190 closed 2 years ago

ire4ever1190 commented 2 years ago

Implements autocomplete for interactions

basic example

proc interactionCreate(s: Shard, i: Interaction) {.event(discord).} =
    if i.kind == itAutoComplete:
        let things = [
            " and self",
            " and friends",
            " and co"
            for key, option in
                if option.focused.get(false):
                    var choices: seq[ApplicationCommandOptionChoice] = @[]
                    for thing in things:
                        choices &= ApplicationCommandOptionChoice(
                            name: option.str & thing,
                            value: (some (option.str & thing), none int)
                    await discord.api.createInteractionResponse(, i.token, InteractionResponse(
                        kind: irtAutoCompleteResult,
                        choices: choices
        # Handle interactions normally

I went with variant objects over generics in the end so that existing code didn't break