kristapsdz / lowdown

simple markdown translator
ISC License
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Discrepancies between mrkd manpages and lowdown manpages #103

Open grubles opened 1 year ago

grubles commented 1 year ago

Lowdown seems to introduce some whitespacing errors and misinterpretation(?) of markdown syntax to the man pages it generates.

See example screenshot below. Left is lowdown-generated, right is mrkd-generated.

Notice the bulletpoint indentation is too far to the left. Text with double underscores (e.g. example_random_command) is also generated incorrectly as partially underlined. Would this be fixed with somehow escaping the underscores intended to not be interpreted as markdown?


Another error is sometimes bulletpoints aren't recognized altogether, and end up on the same line which ends up difficult to read. Here's an example after The following error codes might occur:


kristapsdz commented 1 year ago

The first looks the same with -tman for lowdown and pandoc w/r/t horizontal spacing, giving the bullets a width of 2 and a left-justify at the margin, exactly as it should. As for vertical, neither pandoc nor your tool are respecting that the list is a single-spaced list, not a double-spaced list, while lowdown is. Just look at the markdown output in HTML.

Your second comes from bad Markdown: the list does not begin with a blank space. pandoc has the same output as lowdown, here.

The only problem I can see here is, in the second example, that lowdown emits a superfluous vertical space before "Part of the key....". It's something for me to look into...