kristian / minify-xml

Fast XML minifier / compressor / uglifier with a command-line
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Add -o --output cli argument #6

Closed Chris2011 closed 4 years ago

Chris2011 commented 4 years ago

Hey, I will use this npm package in my Apache NetBeans plugin Minifierbeans: For this, I need the CLI where I call it like this: minify-xml myxmlfile.xml -o newfile.min.xml.

So I need the -o --output argument which is also common in such minifier CLIs. I had a look into -h and just see the -i --in-place argument and nothing else.

kristian commented 4 years ago

Sure, let me see what I can do tomorrow!

kristian commented 4 years ago

Added with 3b45f7a12ebff764d59cdc69a3e78b9900a6b361 and version 2.3.0. Hope this helps!

Chris2011 commented 4 years ago

Great thx, will test it :)

Chris2011 commented 4 years ago

It is working just fine :). Thx.