kristianfreeman / byteconf

What should we do next? 😎
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Byteconf a11y #11

Open kristianfreeman opened 6 years ago

kristianfreeman commented 6 years ago

What's the name of your proposed event? For instance, "Byteconf GraphQL".

Byteconf A11y / Accessibility

What would the event cover?

web accessibility

Do you have any speakers you'd like to see at the conference?

n/a but tagging in @robdel12 who has expressed interest in helping us reach out to some folks in this space

Anything else you want us to know about your idea?

this would be a great opportunity to practice what we preach a bit and make this conf super accessible! for instance, would love to provide subtitles for the conference if we can support it via twitch/youtube streaming

Robdel12 commented 6 years ago

Yess! Sorry, I will probably get around to this over the break/weekend. Going to also tag @amberleyromo 'cause I know she has ideas for folks too!

Edit: also @pauljadam 🎉

kristianfreeman commented 6 years ago

no rush :)