kristianfreeman / byteconf

What should we do next? 😎
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Byteconf XR #14

Open vnovick opened 6 years ago

vnovick commented 6 years ago

What's the name of your proposed event".

ByteConf XR

What would the event cover?

Augmented and Virtual Reality apps and games development techniques. Web, Mobile, Desktop, Consoles etc

Do you have any speakers you'd like to see at the conference?

@vnovick, @dabit3

Anything else you want us to know about your idea?

The idea is to talk about various techniques we can develop for Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality today

kristianfreeman commented 6 years ago

Let's do this! Frankly, I'm not too familiar with this space - I'd be happy to have @vnovick @dabit3 drive in terms of who to bring on here if y'all are interested!