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Byteconf Svelte #21

Open kristianfreeman opened 5 years ago

kristianfreeman commented 5 years ago

Byteconf Svelte is coming on November 27th! We're currently looking for speakers 👍

What would the event cover?

The Svelte JavaScript framework – a Getting Started talk would be great, as well as talks from folks who want to share their experiences building with it so far.

Do you have any speakers you'd like to see at the conference?

Anything else you want us to know about your idea?

I've just come across Svelte and I'm really impressed by it – I would imagine I'm not the only person who would like to learn more! If you're a Svelte enthusiast, please feel free to comment with any suggestions for people you'd like to see speak at this!

Help, I was tagged in this thread and I have no idea what it is! Hi there! Byteconf is a free developer conferences series, streamed on Twitch. Check out the README to learn more.

kristianfreeman commented 5 years ago

As announced this morning, this is happening in November :) We're looking for speakers - are you working with Svelte and want to tell us more in a 20-35min talk? Comment in this thread, or send me a DM on Twitter!

quantuminformation commented 5 years ago

Hi will be building a webapp/startup with svelte so I'll know if I had a good experience by early Oct.