kristianfreeman / byteconf

What should we do next? 😎
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Byteconf Blockchain 2019 #4

Closed cchx0000 closed 5 years ago

cchx0000 commented 6 years ago

What's the name of your proposed event? For instance, "Byteconf GraphQL".

Byteconf Blockchain

What would the event cover?

Blockchain architecture, cryptographic techniques, applications.

Do you have any speakers you'd like to see at the conference?

@dominic_w @sol3gga @vince1st

Anything else you want us to know about your idea?

kristianfreeman commented 6 years ago

Interested in this, but I'm worried the space is a bit too broad to know who to invite to this. I'm going to think on it and will update. Thanks @cchx0000 for the suggestion!