kristianmandrup / gmaps-autocomplete-rails

Google Maps v3 search with jQuery UI Autocomplete, ready for use with Rails asset pipeline
MIT License
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Can be this gem used without specification of country? #20

Open Jirka1111 opened 8 years ago

Jirka1111 commented 8 years ago

Can be this gem used without specification of country? #

kristianmandrup commented 8 years ago

You can try ;) Read the gmaps API, tweak the gem as you like and make a PR

jkras commented 8 years ago

To clarify, this is a workaround to achieve the desired functionality from @Jirka1111's question. This removes the ability to specify a region, and restrict results so would probably not be suitable for a PR.

If you reverse this commit you can achieve typeahead for any country.

To test locally, I unpacked the gem using

gem unpack gmaps-autocomplete-rails

Then modified gmaps-autocomplete-rails-0.2.0/vendor/assets/javascripts/ per the commit above

Then changed the entry in my gemfile to point to the local gem (just to test)

gem 'gmaps-autocomplete-rails', :path => '~/workspace/gmaps-autocomplete-rails-0.2.0'


bundle install

Finally, remove the region line from the autoCompleteInit method

kristianmandrup commented 8 years ago

You are welcome to make a PR that properly allows for both modes ;) You are also very welcome to clean up the javascript, use ES classes and split functionality up instead of having it all in one big master class...