kristijanhusak / defx-git

Git status implementation for
MIT License
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[help] [defx] Vim(call):E964: Invalid column number: 4 #20

Closed roachsinai closed 3 years ago

roachsinai commented 3 years ago

After I install defx-git when I write buffer with defx shows get error: [defx] Vim(call):E964: Invalid column number: 4.

If I disable defx-git, not error report when writing file buffer.

my relate setting is:

silent! call defx#custom#option('_', {
      \ 'winwidth': 25,
      \ 'split': 'vertical',
      \ 'direction': 'topleft',
      \ 'show_ignored_files': 0,
      \ 'buffer_name': 'defxplorer',
      \ 'columns': 'indent:git:icons:filename',
      \ 'toggle': 1,
      \ 'resume': 1,
      \ 'listed': 1,
      \ 'root_marker': '≡ '
      \ })

Is there anything wrong with my setting?

roachsinai commented 3 years ago

Seems fixed by lasted update of defx, sorry for bother. Thanks! 😃