kristijanhusak / defx-git

Git status implementation for
MIT License
71 stars 6 forks source link

different status for different name #27

Open v6cc opened 2 years ago

v6cc commented 2 years ago

a folder have one file, a.vim,

after copy, paste, a.vim already exists. Overwrite? rename to a2.vim


after copy, paste, a.vim already exists. Overwrite? rename to a.vim2


a.vim never change, why have status?

'columns': 'icons:indent:filename:git:type'

call defx#custom#column('git', 'indicators', {
  \ 'Modified'  : 'M',
  \ 'Staged'    : '+',
  \ 'Untracked' : 'N',
  \ 'Renamed'   : '➜',
  \ 'Unmerged'  : '═',
  \ 'Ignored'   : '☒',
  \ 'Deleted'   : '✖',
  \ 'Unknown'   : '?'
  \ })
> git status
On branch master
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
kristijanhusak commented 2 years ago

I'm assuming this happens because both a.vim and a.vim2 share the same start content. Both have a.vim. I'll take a look.