kristijanhusak / neovim-config

Neovim configuration
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Colors in vim #6

Closed EJIqpEP closed 5 years ago

EJIqpEP commented 5 years ago

Hi Kristijan. You nvim config is really awesome and I used parts of it a lot. But I have one question. It's not clear for me how something like this is working

hi StatusLine guifg=#ebdbb2 guibg=#504945 gui=NONE

I assume you are using iterm + nvim where this gui hex colors are not working at all. Am I wrong?

kristijanhusak commented 5 years ago

If you are using neovim, adding set termguicolors to your init.vim should make it work.

Edit: If you are using Vim, something like this should work:

EJIqpEP commented 5 years ago

You are my hero! Thanks a lot for clarification