kristijanhusak / vim-dadbod-completion

Database autocompletion powered by
MIT License
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No autocomplete for basic syntax #10

Closed mbalazy closed 4 years ago

mbalazy commented 4 years ago

Ok so, I'm a totaly noob in sql but why there is no sugestions for just normal sql syntax like if readme gif? I don'y have select, from etc. syntax, just a column name sugestions. What soould I do to enable it?

Im using vim-dadbod, instaled from coc, macOS.

Screenshot 2020-10-09 at 16 10 13 Screenshot 2020-10-09 at 16 10 00

kristijanhusak commented 4 years ago

in Gif you see that because that comes from "tags" source, or something like that. It is not from vim-dadbod-completion. This plugin gives you autocompletion for tables and columns.