Closed namnd closed 1 year ago
Thanks for the PR. The idea is good, but this is just a simple autocmd that you can easily add to your config since it's filetype specific. There's no need to have it configurable through the plugin.
In case anyone finds this from a web search, here's how you can add write the autocmd if you're using neovim:
dependencies = {
{ 'tpope/vim-dadbod', lazy = true },
{ 'kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-completion', ft = { 'sql', 'mysql', 'plsql' }, lazy = true },
cmd = {
config = function()
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufReadPost" }, {
pattern = { "*.dbout" },
callback = function()
exe ':resize 40'
]], {})
init = function()
-- DBUI configuration
Often the time, the query result is big. It would be nice if we can customize the window height of the dbout buffer