Closed jtw023 closed 11 months ago
In order to get some practice I decided to change the "Execute query" time format - see screenshot. Not sure if this has been asked for but let me know if you'd like a pull request for this one. Could probably make it into a flag that is set in your config. Haven't made any progress on turning this into a notify alert.
Closed by mistake. Reopening issue.
The current window works in both Vim and Neovim. You can see how it's implemented starting from here.
I would suggest creating a separate small plugin that would do this, since it's more straightforward. You can hook into same autocommands like it's done here, and you can remove these by overriding autocmds in the augroup, or we can add an option here to hide the progress if the user does not want to see it.
I'm trying to keep the plugin compatible with both Vim and Neovim since vim-dadbod does the same, so having some implementations that are strictly supported for one or another is out of scope. Using vim.notify
was an exception because it does not depend on any other plugin, but since you need to use update
from nvim-notify
, it creates a dependency on that plugin.
Ok, thanks! I'll play around with it over the next few weeks and report back when I get something to show.
local client_notifs = {}
local function get_notif_data(client_id, token)
if not client_notifs[client_id] then
client_notifs[client_id] = {}
if not client_notifs[client_id][token] then
client_notifs[client_id][token] = {}
return client_notifs[client_id][token]
local function format_message(number)
return 'Executing query - ' .. tostring(number) .. 's'
local spinner_frames = { "⣾", "⣽", "⣻", "⢿", "⡿", "⣟", "⣯", "⣷" }
local function update_spinner(client_id, token)
local notif_data = get_notif_data(client_id, token)
if notif_data.spinner then
local new_spinner = (notif_data.spinner + 1) % #spinner_frames
notif_data.spinner = new_spinner
local start_time = notif_data.notification.start_time
local current_time = vim.uv.clock_gettime('monotonic')
local interval = (current_time.sec * 1e9 + current_time.nsec - start_time.sec * 1e9 - start_time.nsec) / 1e9
local message = format_message(interval)
notif_data.notification = vim.notify(message, "info", {
hide_from_history = true,
icon = spinner_frames[new_spinner],
replace = notif_data.notification,
notif_data.notification.start_time = start_time
update_spinner(client_id, token)
end, 100)
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('User', {
pattern = {"DBQueryPre", "*DBExecutePre"},
callback = function(event)
local token = event.buf
local notif_data = get_notif_data('dadbod-ui', token)
local message = format_message(0.0)
notif_data.notification =
vim.notify(message, "info", {
title = '[DBUI]',
icon = spinner_frames[1],
timeout = false,
hide_from_history = false,
notif_data.notification.start_time = vim.uv.clock_gettime('monotonic')
notif_data.spinner = 1
update_spinner('dadbod-ui', token)
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('User', {
pattern = {"DBQueryPost", "*DBExecutePost"},
callback = function(event)
local token = event.buf
local notif_data = get_notif_data('dadbod-ui', token)
notif_data.notification =
vim.notify(nil, nil, {
hide_from_history = true,
icon = "",
replace = notif_data.notification,
timeout = 0,
notif_data.spinner = nil
Hi, I have implemented this by lua.
But there is a message Executing query ...
triggered at the same time by dadbod-ui
if I set let g:db_ui_use_nvim_notify = 1
and even if let g:db_ui_disable_progress_bar = 1
. it's trigged by here.
@kristijanhusak, could you help revise this message? and I also noticed that there are two autocmd
for notifications
I was looking at this December 2021 feature request from the nvim-notify repo and thought it would be kind of cool to have notify also handle tracking the query length since all my other notifications are routed through there(see below screenshot). I gave it a shot using that update function to make use of the spinner frames shown in the video but I just don't know enough vimscript/lua. Figured I would swing by to see if anyone else is interested in this or had the time to make it happen.