kristijanhusak / vim-dadbod-ui

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Missing Schemas #88

Closed SergioShz closed 3 years ago

SergioShz commented 3 years ago


Everything was good until I run last update in vim (Using vim-plug), now schemas from Postgres DBs are missing:


I have several connections and this happen in all my connections for both Postgres and Redshift, connections to Mysql DBs shows schemas as usual.

Any way to debug and see what's happening?


kristijanhusak commented 3 years ago

It may be related to this commit:

Can you try checking out to commit before that ( and see if it works?

SergioShz commented 3 years ago

yes I did the PR for that commit and was working fine, In fact the query itself returns data.

Checking before that commit doesn't seems to change the behaviour.

I Also tried with the old query and the same, for the owner of the table returns data, but nothing for not owner.

kristijanhusak commented 3 years ago

Try checking out this commit and see if it works:

SergioShz commented 3 years ago

the same, I tried removing the plugin vim-dadbod-completion which also have installed and nothing.

kristijanhusak commented 3 years ago

I have no idea what it could be. There were no any bigger changes since you added that PR. I'm using postgres on daily basis and I don't have any issues with it. Can you try go back commit by commit and see if that helps?

SergioShz commented 3 years ago

yes, I'll try that, thanks.

SergioShz commented 3 years ago

I found it, seems that this commit was the problem, reverting to the previous one has fixed the issue. I'll investigate more to see what was the actual problem, for the moment I'm happy with this.

kristijanhusak commented 3 years ago

Could be, I'm using my fork of vim-dadbod because of async support. You can switch to my fork until i rebase from upstream.

SergioShz commented 3 years ago

Nice, I think we can close this, thanks!

kristijanhusak commented 3 years ago

I fixed it now to be compatible with the Tpope's dadbod, so you can go back if you want.

SergioShz commented 3 years ago

Nice!! Updated vim-plug and working fine! 🙂