kristiker / source1import

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Materials that could use better support #14

Open kristiker opened 2 years ago

kristiker commented 2 years ago

Post them here.

kristiker commented 2 years ago

materials/models/props/de_inferno/hr_i/wood_pile_a/hr_wood_d.vmat detail is used somewhere else as a normal, making it purple when inverting image

kristiker commented 2 years ago

materials\models\props\de_nuke\hr_nuke\nuke_skydome_001\nuke_clouds_001.vmat materials\models\props\de_nuke\hr_nuke\nuke_skydome_001\nuke_clouds_002.vmat

    "texturescrollvar"   "$basetexturetransform"
    "texturescrollrate"  0.00299
    "texturescrollangle" 100
    "texturescale"       2.5

-> g_vTexCoordScrollSpeed "[0.0025 -0.0015]"

kristiker commented 2 years ago

tool materials

toolsclip.vmt "%compileclip" 1


"%compilenodraw" 1
"%compilepassbullets" 1
"%playerclip" 1

-> toolsplayerclip.vmat

tools.toolsmaterial 1
mapbuilder.nodraw 1
mapbuilder.tags "npcclip playerclip"

also %keywords "airexchange,borealis,c17downtown,c17industrial,c17sewers,c17skyscraper,c17trainstation,combine,kraken,wasteland"

kristiker commented 1 year ago

steamvr doesn't have vr_glass.vfx but has F_GLASS inside vr_standard