kristinbranson / APT

Animal Part Tracker
GNU General Public License v3.0
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import trk file as labels doesn't work #387

Open roian opened 2 years ago

roian commented 2 years ago


Error using feval Unrecognized function or variable 'labelImportTrkGenericSimple'.

Error in Labeler/labelImportTrkPromptGenericSimple (line 8530) feval(importFcn,obj,iMov,trkfiles);

Error in LabelerGUI>menu_file_import_labels_trk_curr_mov_Callback (line 3350) handles.labelerObj.labelImportTrkPromptGenericSimple(iMov,...

Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95) feval(varargin{:});

Error in LabelerGUI (line 48) gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

Error in>@(hObject,eventdata)LabelerGUI('menu_file_import_labels_trk_curr_mov_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)) Error while evaluating Menu Callback.

output of lObj.printinfo(): Lbl file: /groups/branson/bransonlab/roian/apt_testing/multianimal/four_points_220419.lbl Info printed: 20220511T091859 Project type: Multi-animal Number of views: 1 Number of landmarks: 4 Tracker 3: multi_mdn_joint_torch, view 0, mode multiAnimalBU Trained 20220419T144159 for 40000 iterations on 3166 labels Back-end: Bsub N. train movies: 10 N. train labels: 1583 N. labeled train movies: 8 N. GT movies: 0 N. GT labels: 0 N. labeled GT movies: 0 Save code info: Matlab version: (R2020a) Update 5 Source repo: /groups/branson/bransonlab/roian/apt_testing/APTmultianimal3 Commit hash: 47249965b8dd5141c360847c0b3eb94c23af32e3 Remote info: origin (fetch) origin (push) Git status: On branch multianimal Your branch is up to date with 'origin/multianimal'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean Load code info: Matlab version: (R2020a) Update 5 Source repo: /groups/branson/bransonlab/roian/apt_testing/APTmultianimal4/matlab Commit hash: b9ce6deb50684e4e2945dbf43b670c3838cb3af6 Remote info: origin (fetch) origin (push) Git status: On branch multianimal Your branch is up to date with 'origin/multianimal'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean trk file last modified: 10-May-2022 22:08:36

allenleetc commented 2 years ago

I think I mostly have a fix for this. Is the use case a 3-way results comparison (eg raw/trk/trklet)? Or is there something else unusual/broken at play here?

allenleetc commented 2 years ago

@roian think I pushed a fix for this, please give it a try! (Any thoughts on context etc still useful)