Assets:install works perfectly and all the files are copied to the S3 bucket.
But when using Assetic, I run into an issue:
joshua@Orion:/var/www/Sirius$ php app/console assetic:dump -e=prod
Dumping all =prod assets.
Debug mode is off.
Unable to create directory s3://sirius-assets/images
The first 2 assets are uploaded perfectly, but the problem arises with the second image, for some reason assetic tries to create a new 'images' folder, which already exists, and then fails...
EDIT: I found a simple solution:
Use Assetic to dump local first and then copy them to AWS using their SDK Streamwrapper
Hello, I'm using assetic with Symfony2. We want to use to the AWS S3 for storing assets. The setup is like this: using the S3 StreamWapper service.
Assets:install works perfectly and all the files are copied to the S3 bucket.
But when using Assetic, I run into an issue: joshua@Orion:/var/www/Sirius$ php app/console assetic:dump -e=prod Dumping all =prod assets. Debug mode is off.
12:34:38 [dir+] s3://sirius-assets/css 12:34:38 [file+] s3://sirius-assets/css/8599eb6.css 12:34:38 [dir+] s3://sirius-assets/images 12:34:38 [file+] s3://sirius-assets/images/00fc14d.png 12:34:38 [dir+] s3://sirius-assets/images
Unable to create directory s3://sirius-assets/images
The first 2 assets are uploaded perfectly, but the problem arises with the second image, for some reason assetic tries to create a new 'images' folder, which already exists, and then fails...
EDIT: I found a simple solution: Use Assetic to dump local first and then copy them to AWS using their SDK Streamwrapper