Closed mjs513 closed 7 years ago
I haven't had any issues with I2C, I have tried MPU9250, BME280, VEML6040, BNO055, etc. Lots of different ones and haven't had any trouble since the Arduino API was fixed about two months ago.
Hi Kris
Thanks for the info. Think I am going to be ordering your version today.
PS. Just ordered your board. I have been attempting to get the ESP32 to send IMU data to a processing sketch. Doing it through UDP. Kinda of works. works fine to send data to esp32 but sending data back seems to be a problem. The code that I have works great with a ESP8266. Using my version of the freeimu lib and sending 186 byte packet with no problem with the 8266. With the EPS32 having issues. If you would like what I have you are welcome to it.
Hi Mike,
I missed this til just now. The ESP32 is still pretty immature even though they claim the wifi sector is nearly the same as the ESP8266. I think it is still going to be a while until we can use the ESP32 with the same degree of confidence and success we now enjoy with the ESP8266.
If the sketch is well commented I will post it on my ESP32 repository.
Having major problems getting it to work consistently. The code works sometimes. Like you said still immature. I also having problems with my 8266 code now. Not sure what's going on. Was working now its not. I for your board yeeaterday and just posted it as an issue. Cnat get anything to load on it.
Hi Kris.
First you did it again. Great board design. Right now I have been experimenting with the ESP32 thing from Sparkfun and seem to be having i2c problems reading from a lsm9ds0 from adafruit. I have not tested other sensors but was wondering if this dev board would have the same issues. I have tested the sensor on a teensy 3.5 so I know it does work.
THanks Mike