kriswiner / MPU9250

Arduino sketches for MPU9250 9DoF with AHRS sensor fusion
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Different Chip breakouts: VDDI = ADO #13

Open iclevine opened 9 years ago

iclevine commented 9 years ago

Hello! This isn't an issue as much as a note: I have one of these breakouts 616qjzhgoyl _sl1001_

and there isn't a VDDI pin so I wasn't sure how to connect the breakout to power in the proper way. I did some schematic cross-examination and figured out that it is the same as the "ADO" pin on the alternative breakout configuration (the one available on Just thought I'd post that so y'all wouldn't have to go to the trouble I did to figure it out.

kriswiner commented 9 years ago

For the breakout pictured above VDDIO and VDDA should be tied together, and both are driven by 3V3 coming out of the voltage regulator. This allows 5 V into VCC on the board edge. The ADO should be the I2C address LSB. If they have ADO tied to VDDIO it should be through a pullup resistor so it can be toggled to GND to change the address.

iclevine commented 9 years ago

I wasn't able to get it to communicate via I2C until it the "ADO" was hooked up to power. Do you have any idea why this might be?

kriswiner commented 9 years ago

ADO is the LSB of the I2C device address, so behavior depends on the I2C address you used. With ADO = LOW, I2C address = 0x68. When ADO= HIGH, I2C address = 0x69. Which did you use? I bet 0x69. Try connecting ADO to GND and change the I2C address in your code to 0x68. Should work.

-----Original Message----- From: iclevine [] Sent: June 23, 2015 12:07 PM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer Subject: Re: [MPU-9250] Different Chip breakouts: VDDI = ADO (#13)

I wasn't able to get it to communicate via I2C until it the "ADO" was hooked up to power. Do you have any idea why this might be?

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iclevine commented 9 years ago

awesome! Thanks Kris

joshgrob commented 8 years ago

Hi Kris,

First off thank you for the great code tutorials and being active on the forums. It is a big help. I want to piggy back on this thread, and will you help me troubleshoot my wiring? I have the next version of the board mentioned above (it has the MPU-9255/GY-9255 - which I believe is the same breakout schematic other than the MPU. Reading your last post and from the code I have setup my wiring as: Arduino Uno GY-9255 +5v VCC GND GND A4 -> 4.7k resistor -> SDA A5 -> 4.7k resistor -> SLC GND AD0

When I do this and upload the code the WHO_ AM_I lookup always returns 0xFF instead of 0x73. I tried several other configurations (eg. w/o pullup resistors, moving AD0 to power), and still the same 0xFF. Do you have any thoughts what is wrong? Thank you for the time and help.

Best, Josh

kriswiner commented 8 years ago

Hi Josh,

There are two potential problems. One is connecting the 3V3 SDA/SCL lines of the board to the 5 V UNO, which might be sending 5 V to the chip, which isn't good. You probably need a voltage translator between these. The other possibility is that you have the wrong I2C address. If you do an I2C scan, what I2C devices show up on the bus?

Kris Pesky Products

-----Original Message----- From: joshgrob [] Sent: September 10, 2015 10:09 PM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer Subject: Re: [MPU-9250] Different Chip breakouts: VDDI = ADO (#13)

Hi Kris,

First off thank you for the great code tutorials and being active on the forums. It is a big help. I want to piggy back on this thread, and will you help me troubleshoot my wiring? I have the next version of the board mentioned above (it has the MPU-9255/GY-9255 - which I believe is the same breakout schematic other than the MPU. Reading your last post and from the code I have setup my wiring as: Arduino Uno GY-9255 +5v VCC GND GND A4 -> 4.7k resistor -> SDA A5 -> 4.7k resistor -> SLC GND AD0

When I do this and upload the code the WHO_ AM_I lookup always returns 0xFF instead of 0x73. I tried several other configurations (eg. w/o pullup resistors, moving AD0 to power), and still the same 0xFF. Do you have any thoughts what is wrong? Thank you for the time and help.

Best, Josh

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joshgrob commented 8 years ago

Great suggestion on the scan, and that lead me to find bad solder connections on my part. I finally found a device on x68 and was able to connect and get ypr readings. My final wiring was 3V3 to VCC, AD0 on GND and no pullups on the SCL/SDA since it appears the board has them already. Thank you for the help to get me talking to the device.

kriswiner commented 8 years ago

Hi Josh,

Glad I could help. You might find other interesting devices to play with here:

Kris Pesky Products

-----Original Message----- From: joshgrob [] Sent: September 12, 2015 9:01 AM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer Subject: Re: [MPU-9250] Different Chip breakouts: VDDI = ADO (#13)

Great suggestion on the scan, and that lead me to find bad solder connections on my part. I finally found a device on x68 and was able to connect and get ypr readings. My final wiring was 3V3 to VCC, AD0 on GND and no pullups on the SCL/SDA since it appears the board has them already. Thank you for the help to get me talking to the device.

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LyubomyrD commented 8 years ago

Hello. I need to use 0x69 address for IMU GY-9250 in my project. Do I have to make any changes in the code besides changing the address of the IMU? I connect ADO to 3.3V (its Arduino Due) and that is all, right?

kriswiner commented 8 years ago

Should be enough.

Use an I2C scan to check.

-----Original Message----- From: LyubomyrD [] Sent: February 2, 2016 6:24 PM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer Subject: Re: [MPU-9250] Different Chip breakouts: VDDI = ADO (#13)

Hello. I need to use 0x69 address for IMU GY-9250 in my project. Do I have to make any changes in the code besides changing the address of the IMU? I connect ADO to 3.3V (its Arduino Due) and that is all, right?

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LyubomyrD commented 8 years ago

Thank You very much for reply! I used I2C scanner and the address is indeed 0x69. But is the data from IMU received in the same manner? I mean, I don't need to make changes in the function which reads data from IMU, do I?

kriswiner commented 8 years ago

Everything else should be the same...

-----Original Message----- From: LyubomyrD [] Sent: February 2, 2016 6:49 PM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer Subject: Re: [MPU-9250] Different Chip breakouts: VDDI = ADO (#13)

Thank You very much for reply! I used I2C scanner and the address is indeed 0x69. But is the data from IMU received in the same manner? I mean, I don't need to make changes in the function which reads data from IMU, do I?

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LyubomyrD commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot!

JanKokalj commented 8 years ago

Hi, I just got the same board (GY-9255) and since I dont have any experience with these things I was wondering if some tutorial/example is available somewhere? I dont find anything for this board on the web. Thanks

kriswiner commented 8 years ago

I don't know anything about these boarda and cannot really help you here. I make these:

and recommend them to your attention.


-----Original Message----- From: JanKokalj [] Sent: February 4, 2016 11:38 AM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer Subject: Re: [MPU-9250] Different Chip breakouts: VDDI = ADO (#13)

Hi, I just got the same board (GY-9255) and since I dont have any experience with these things I was wondering if some tutorial/example is available somewhere? I dont find anything for this board on the web. Thanks

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