kriswiner / MPU9250

Arduino sketches for MPU9250 9DoF with AHRS sensor fusion
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please evaluate my calibration result of MPU 9250 #241

Open exzibith opened 6 years ago

exzibith commented 6 years ago

I'm using WEMOS Lolin32 board and merge your MPU9250_MS5637_AHRS_t3.ino code. calibration results as below :

MPU9250 9-DOF 16-bit motion sensor 60 ug LSB Scanning... I2C device found at address 0x0C ! I2C device found at address 0x68 ! done

MPU9250 9-axis motion sensor... MPU9250 I AM 73 I should be 73 MPU9250 is online... x-axis self test: acceleration trim within : -0.4% of factory value y-axis self test: acceleration trim within : 0.1% of factory value z-axis self test: acceleration trim within : 0.6% of factory value x-axis self test: gyration trim within : -0.5% of factory value y-axis self test: gyration trim within : -0.3% of factory value z-axis self test: gyration trim within : 0.3% of factory value Calibrate gyro and accel accel biases (mg) 11.11 45.23 -17.58 gyro biases (dps) 2.89 0.05 -0.92 MPU9250 bias x y z
1145-17mg2.90.0-0.9o/s MPU9250 initialized for active data mode.... AK8963 I AM 48 I should be 48 AK8963 initialized for active data mode.... Mag Calibration: Wave device in a figure eight until done! Mag Calibration done! AK8963 mag biases (mG) -253.08 709.87 -765.09 AK8963 mag scale (mG) 1.87 0.49 2.47 X-Axis sensitivity adjustment value 1.16 Y-Axis sensitivity adjustment value 1.17 Z-Axis sensitivity adjustment value 1.13 AK8963 ASAX 1.16 ASAY 1.17 ASAZ 1.13 ax = 0.00 ay = 0.00 az = 0.00 mg gx = 0.00 gy = 0.00 gz = 0.00 deg/s mx = 0 my = 0 mz = 0 mG q0 = 1.00 qx = 0.00 qy = 0.00 qz = 0.00 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 0.42, 0.00, 0.00 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 0.00, 0.00, 1000.00 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 0.00, 0.00, -1000.00 mg rate = 1.02 Hz

x y z : 0, 0, 0 mg 0, 0, 0 o/s 0, 0, 0 mG 0, 0, 0 ypr ax = 88.93 ay = 360.78 az = 980.59 mg gx = 3.34 gy = 2.61 gz = -93.29 deg/s mx = 13 my = 55 mz = -20 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.00 qy = 0.00 qz = 0.12 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 13.66, 0.48, -0.11 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 1.87, 8.31, 999.96 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 87.06, 352.47, -19.37 mg rate = 25228.31 Hz

x y z : 88, 360, 980 mg 3, 2, -93 o/s 13, 55, -20 mG 13, 0, 0 ypr ax = -126.46 ay = -424.93 az = 964.42 mg gx = 9.85 gy = -15.11 gz = 78.01 deg/s mx = -3 my = 51 mz = -16 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = 0.00 qy = -0.02 qz = 0.12 Gyro temperature is 29.0 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 14.19, -1.91, -0.15 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 2.61, -33.32, 999.44 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -129.08, -391.60, -35.02 mg rate = 24958.09 Hz

x y z : -126, -424, 964 mg 9, -15, 78 o/s -3, 51, -16 mG 14, -1, 0 ypr ax = -206.60 ay = 250.85 az = 972.05 mg gx = 2.91 gy = 3.18 gz = 40.81 deg/s mx = -55 my = -13 mz = -8 mG q0 = 1.00 qx = -0.01 qy = -0.02 qz = -0.08 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 350.83, -1.96, -0.76 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 13.20, -34.25, 999.33 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -219.81, 285.10, -27.28 mg rate = 25138.67 Hz

x y z : -206, 250, 972 mg 2, 3, 40 o/s -55, -13, -8 mG 350, -1, 0 ypr ax = 283.08 ay = -431.52 az = 923.46 mg gx = -3.99 gy = -13.04 gz = -50.22 deg/s mx = -39 my = -12 mz = -62 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = 0.01 qy = 0.00 qz = -0.12 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 346.40, 0.20, 0.88 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: -15.37, 3.44, 999.88 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 298.45, -434.96, -76.41 mg rate = 24923.69 Hz

x y z : 283, -431, 923 mg -3, -13, -50 o/s -39, -12, -62 mG 346, 0, 0 ypr ax = -76.17 ay = 44.74 az = 1054.02 mg gx = -5.98 gy = 4.36 gz = -4.61 deg/s mx = -32 my = 16 mz = 37 mG q0 = 1.00 qx = -0.02 qy = -0.02 qz = -0.04 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 355.60, -2.30, -2.68 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 46.65, -40.14, 998.10 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -122.82, 84.88, 55.91 mg rate = 25006.99 Hz

x y z : -76, 44, 1054 mg -5, 4, -4 o/s -32, 16, 37 mG 355, -2, -2 ypr ax = -590.39 ay = 7.08 az = 1024.84 mg gx = 5.65 gy = 6.39 gz = 21.10 deg/s mx = 26 my = 82 mz = -20 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.00 qy = -0.02 qz = 0.12 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 14.49, -1.73, -0.29 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 5.01, -30.28, 999.53 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -595.40, 37.36, 25.31 mg rate = 25099.67 Hz

x y z : -590, 7, 1024 mg 5, 6, 21 o/s 26, 82, -20 mG 14, -1, 0 ypr ax = 91.80 ay = -119.75 az = 1031.62 mg gx = 6.31 gy = -3.78 gz = 45.30 deg/s mx = -65 my = 11 mz = -20 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.01 qy = -0.03 qz = -0.10 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 349.14, -3.36, -1.34 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 23.39, -58.66, 998.00 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 68.40, -61.09, 33.61 mg rate = 25092.80 Hz

x y z : 91, -119, 1031 mg 6, -3, 45 o/s -65, 11, -20 mG 349, -3, -1 ypr ax = 58.11 ay = 272.52 az = 1021.00 mg gx = -2.88 gy = -0.66 gz = 70.86 deg/s mx = -42 my = -46 mz = -16 mG q0 = 0.97 qx = -0.01 qy = -0.03 qz = -0.25 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 331.69, -3.58, -0.78 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 13.55, -62.41, 997.96 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 44.56, 334.93, 23.04 mg rate = 24969.78 Hz

x y z : 58, 272, 1020 mg -2, 0, 70 o/s -42, -46, -16 mG 331, -3, 0 ypr ax = -81.54 ay = -174.32 az = 1027.95 mg gx = -8.19 gy = -1.12 gz = -53.87 deg/s mx = -26 my = -9 mz = -62 mG q0 = 0.98 qx = -0.02 qy = -0.02 qz = -0.19 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 338.70, -3.14, -1.53 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 26.71, -54.79, 998.14 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -108.25, -119.53, 29.81 mg rate = 25058.47 Hz

x y z : -81, -174, 1027 mg -8, -1, -53 o/s -26, -9, -62 mG 338, -3, -1 ypr ax = -32.35 ay = -10.80 az = 989.07 mg gx = 0.49 gy = -0.05 gz = 1.79 deg/s mx = -58 my = 21 mz = -54 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.02 qy = -0.03 qz = -0.13 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 345.72, -4.06, -1.72 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 29.94, -70.87, 997.04 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -62.29, 60.06, -7.96 mg rate = 25147.32 Hz

x y z : -32, -10, 989 mg 0, 0, 1 o/s -58, 21, -54 mG 345, -4, -1 ypr ax = -19.29 ay = 8.18 az = 995.61 mg gx = -0.05 gy = 0.12 gz = -1.88 deg/s mx = -55 my = 22 mz = -41 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.03 qy = -0.03 qz = -0.15 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 342.70, -4.27, -2.68 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 46.66, -74.43, 996.13 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -65.95, 82.61, -0.53 mg rate = 25316.27 Hz

x y z : -19, 8, 995 mg 0, 0, -1 o/s -55, 22, -41 mG 342, -4, -2 ypr ax = -7.51 ay = 10.31 az = 992.25 mg gx = 0.19 gy = 0.18 gz = -0.10 deg/s mx = -29 my = 22 mz = -25 mG q0 = 0.98 qx = -0.03 qy = -0.03 qz = -0.17 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 340.52, -4.24, -3.19 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 55.56, -73.89, 995.72 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -63.06, 84.20, -3.47 mg rate = 25437.74 Hz

x y z : -7, 10, 992 mg 0, 0, 0 o/s -29, 22, -25 mG 340, -4, -3 ypr ax = 89.72 ay = 19.47 az = 1062.68 mg gx = -9.94 gy = -2.55 gz = -48.47 deg/s mx = -6 my = 40 mz = -12 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.04 qy = -0.01 qz = -0.14 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 344.50, -2.34, -4.67 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 81.33, -40.77, 995.85 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 8.39, 60.24, 66.83 mg rate = 25083.33 Hz

x y z : 89, 19, 1062 mg -9, -2, -48 o/s -6, 40, -12 mG 344, -2, -4 ypr ax = -320.56 ay = -130.19 az = 869.93 mg gx = 9.10 gy = 9.52 gz = 35.00 deg/s mx = -16 my = 54 mz = 8 mG q0 = 1.00 qx = -0.02 qy = -0.02 qz = -0.07 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 352.77, -2.76, -2.66 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 46.40, -48.08, 997.77 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -366.95, -82.11, -127.83 mg rate = 25107.07 Hz

x y z : -320, -130, 869 mg 9, 9, 34 o/s -16, 54, 8 mG 352, -2, -2 ypr ax = 39.49 ay = 119.75 az = 1056.58 mg gx = -15.62 gy = 1.25 gz = 18.19 deg/s mx = -68 my = 15 mz = 16 mG q0 = 0.97 qx = -0.04 qy = -0.02 qz = -0.22 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 335.43, -3.75, -4.06 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 70.58, -65.33, 995.36 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -31.09, 185.09, 61.22 mg rate = 25129.30 Hz

x y z : 39, 119, 1056 mg -15, 1, 18 o/s -68, 15, 16 mG 335, -3, -4 ypr


  1. Is this calibration result correct?
  2. how to plot the calibration data results? is it necessary third party software?
  3. does each board restart need to calibrate the data with eight figure?
  4. I'm trying to create a project like the freedrum stick website (freedrum.rock), does this sketch match my project, to calibrate the MPU-9250?
  5. i'm in need of data results from mpu 9250 which is already converted to degrees and angles 0-360 degrees?
  6. I want every time I restart the wemos board wherever the direction of its position, I get the data value of 0 degree angle.

thanks a lot for the help and input, I'm still new to using MPU-9250, so still have to ask a lot of the experts.

kriswiner commented 6 years ago

Something is wrong with our gyro data.

Calibration is a function of the specific sensor youa re using. Once you have good calibration data, you can store in the sketch and not have to calibrate again, or for a while anyway.

On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 7:06 PM, exzibith wrote:

I'm using WEMOS Lolin32 board and merge your MPU9250_MS5637_AHRS_t3.ino code. calibration results as below :

MPU9250 9-DOF 16-bit motion sensor 60 ug LSB Scanning... I2C device found at address 0x0C ! I2C device found at address 0x68 ! done

MPU9250 9-axis motion sensor... MPU9250 I AM 73 I should be 73 MPU9250 is online... x-axis self test: acceleration trim within : -0.4% of factory value y-axis self test: acceleration trim within : 0.1% of factory value z-axis self test: acceleration trim within : 0.6% of factory value x-axis self test: gyration trim within : -0.5% of factory value y-axis self test: gyration trim within : -0.3% of factory value z-axis self test: gyration trim within : 0.3% of factory value Calibrate gyro and accel accel biases (mg) 11.11 45.23 -17.58 gyro biases (dps) 2.89 0.05 -0.92 MPU9250 bias x y z 1145-17mg2.90.0-0.9o/s MPU9250 initialized for active data mode.... AK8963 I AM 48 I should be 48 AK8963 initialized for active data mode.... Mag Calibration: Wave device in a figure eight until done! Mag Calibration done! AK8963 mag biases (mG) -253.08 709.87 -765.09 AK8963 mag scale (mG) 1.87 0.49 2.47 X-Axis sensitivity adjustment value 1.16 Y-Axis sensitivity adjustment value 1.17 Z-Axis sensitivity adjustment value 1.13 AK8963 ASAX 1.16 ASAY 1.17 ASAZ 1.13 ax = 0.00 ay = 0.00 az = 0.00 mg gx = 0.00 gy = 0.00 gz = 0.00 deg/s mx = 0 my = 0 mz = 0 mG q0 = 1.00 qx = 0.00 qy = 0.00 qz = 0.00 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 0.42, 0.00, 0.00 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 0.00, 0.00, 1000.00 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 0.00, 0.00, -1000.00 mg rate = 1.02 Hz

x y z : 0, 0, 0 mg 0, 0, 0 o/s 0, 0, 0 mG 0, 0, 0 ypr ax = 88.93 ay = 360.78 az = 980.59 mg gx = 3.34 gy = 2.61 gz = -93.29 deg/s mx = 13 my = 55 mz = -20 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.00 qy = 0.00 qz = 0.12 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 13.66, 0.48, -0.11 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 1.87, 8.31, 999.96 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 87.06, 352.47, -19.37 mg rate = 25228.31 Hz

x y z : 88, 360, 980 mg 3, 2, -93 o/s 13, 55, -20 mG 13, 0, 0 ypr ax = -126.46 ay = -424.93 az = 964.42 mg gx = 9.85 gy = -15.11 gz = 78.01 deg/s mx = -3 my = 51 mz = -16 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = 0.00 qy = -0.02 qz = 0.12 Gyro temperature is 29.0 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 14.19, -1.91, -0.15 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 2.61, -33.32, 999.44 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -129.08, -391.60, -35.02 mg rate = 24958.09 Hz

x y z : -126, -424, 964 mg 9, -15, 78 o/s -3, 51, -16 mG 14, -1, 0 ypr ax = -206.60 ay = 250.85 az = 972.05 mg gx = 2.91 gy = 3.18 gz = 40.81 deg/s mx = -55 my = -13 mz = -8 mG q0 = 1.00 qx = -0.01 qy = -0.02 qz = -0.08 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 350.83, -1.96, -0.76 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 13.20, -34.25, 999.33 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -219.81, 285.10, -27.28 mg rate = 25138.67 Hz

x y z : -206, 250, 972 mg 2, 3, 40 o/s -55, -13, -8 mG 350, -1, 0 ypr ax = 283.08 ay = -431.52 az = 923.46 mg gx = -3.99 gy = -13.04 gz = -50.22 deg/s mx = -39 my = -12 mz = -62 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = 0.01 qy = 0.00 qz = -0.12 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 346.40, 0.20, 0.88 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: -15.37, 3.44, 999.88 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 298.45, -434.96, -76.41 mg rate = 24923.69 Hz

x y z : 283, -431, 923 mg -3, -13, -50 o/s -39, -12, -62 mG 346, 0, 0 ypr ax = -76.17 ay = 44.74 az = 1054.02 mg gx = -5.98 gy = 4.36 gz = -4.61 deg/s mx = -32 my = 16 mz = 37 mG q0 = 1.00 qx = -0.02 qy = -0.02 qz = -0.04 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 355.60, -2.30, -2.68 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 46.65, -40.14, 998.10 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -122.82, 84.88, 55.91 mg rate = 25006.99 Hz

x y z : -76, 44, 1054 mg -5, 4, -4 o/s -32, 16, 37 mG 355, -2, -2 ypr ax = -590.39 ay = 7.08 az = 1024.84 mg gx = 5.65 gy = 6.39 gz = 21.10 deg/s mx = 26 my = 82 mz = -20 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.00 qy = -0.02 qz = 0.12 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 14.49, -1.73, -0.29 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 5.01, -30.28, 999.53 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -595.40, 37.36, 25.31 mg rate = 25099.67 Hz

x y z : -590, 7, 1024 mg 5, 6, 21 o/s 26, 82, -20 mG 14, -1, 0 ypr ax = 91.80 ay = -119.75 az = 1031.62 mg gx = 6.31 gy = -3.78 gz = 45.30 deg/s mx = -65 my = 11 mz = -20 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.01 qy = -0.03 qz = -0.10 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 349.14, -3.36, -1.34 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 23.39, -58.66, 998.00 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 68.40, -61.09, 33.61 mg rate = 25092.80 Hz

x y z : 91, -119, 1031 mg 6, -3, 45 o/s -65, 11, -20 mG 349, -3, -1 ypr ax = 58.11 ay = 272.52 az = 1021.00 mg gx = -2.88 gy = -0.66 gz = 70.86 deg/s mx = -42 my = -46 mz = -16 mG q0 = 0.97 qx = -0.01 qy = -0.03 qz = -0.25 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 331.69, -3.58, -0.78 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 13.55, -62.41, 997.96 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 44.56, 334.93, 23.04 mg rate = 24969.78 Hz

x y z : 58, 272, 1020 mg -2, 0, 70 o/s -42, -46, -16 mG 331, -3, 0 ypr ax = -81.54 ay = -174.32 az = 1027.95 mg gx = -8.19 gy = -1.12 gz = -53.87 deg/s mx = -26 my = -9 mz = -62 mG q0 = 0.98 qx = -0.02 qy = -0.02 qz = -0.19 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 338.70, -3.14, -1.53 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 26.71, -54.79, 998.14 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -108.25, -119.53, 29.81 mg rate = 25058.47 Hz

x y z : -81, -174, 1027 mg -8, -1, -53 o/s -26, -9, -62 mG 338, -3, -1 ypr ax = -32.35 ay = -10.80 az = 989.07 mg gx = 0.49 gy = -0.05 gz = 1.79 deg/s mx = -58 my = 21 mz = -54 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.02 qy = -0.03 qz = -0.13 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 345.72, -4.06, -1.72 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 29.94, -70.87, 997.04 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -62.29, 60.06, -7.96 mg rate = 25147.32 Hz

x y z : -32, -10, 989 mg 0, 0, 1 o/s -58, 21, -54 mG 345, -4, -1 ypr ax = -19.29 ay = 8.18 az = 995.61 mg gx = -0.05 gy = 0.12 gz = -1.88 deg/s mx = -55 my = 22 mz = -41 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.03 qy = -0.03 qz = -0.15 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 342.70, -4.27, -2.68 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 46.66, -74.43, 996.13 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -65.95, 82.61, -0.53 mg rate = 25316.27 Hz

x y z : -19, 8, 995 mg 0, 0, -1 o/s -55, 22, -41 mG 342, -4, -2 ypr ax = -7.51 ay = 10.31 az = 992.25 mg gx = 0.19 gy = 0.18 gz = -0.10 deg/s mx = -29 my = 22 mz = -25 mG q0 = 0.98 qx = -0.03 qy = -0.03 qz = -0.17 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 340.52, -4.24, -3.19 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 55.56, -73.89, 995.72 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -63.06, 84.20, -3.47 mg rate = 25437.74 Hz

x y z : -7, 10, 992 mg 0, 0, 0 o/s -29, 22, -25 mG 340, -4, -3 ypr ax = 89.72 ay = 19.47 az = 1062.68 mg gx = -9.94 gy = -2.55 gz = -48.47 deg/s mx = -6 my = 40 mz = -12 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.04 qy = -0.01 qz = -0.14 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 344.50, -2.34, -4.67 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 81.33, -40.77, 995.85 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 8.39, 60.24, 66.83 mg rate = 25083.33 Hz

x y z : 89, 19, 1062 mg -9, -2, -48 o/s -6, 40, -12 mG 344, -2, -4 ypr ax = -320.56 ay = -130.19 az = 869.93 mg gx = 9.10 gy = 9.52 gz = 35.00 deg/s mx = -16 my = 54 mz = 8 mG q0 = 1.00 qx = -0.02 qy = -0.02 qz = -0.07 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 352.77, -2.76, -2.66 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 46.40, -48.08, 997.77 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -366.95, -82.11, -127.83 mg rate = 25107.07 Hz

x y z : -320, -130, 869 mg 9, 9, 34 o/s -16, 54, 8 mG 352, -2, -2 ypr ax = 39.49 ay = 119.75 az = 1056.58 mg gx = -15.62 gy = 1.25 gz = 18.19 deg/s mx = -68 my = 15 mz = 16 mG q0 = 0.97 qx = -0.04 qy = -0.02 qz = -0.22 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 335.43, -3.75, -4.06 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 70.58, -65.33, 995.36 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -31.09, 185.09, 61.22 mg rate = 25129.30 Hz x y z : 39, 119, 1056 mg -15, 1, 18 o/s -68, 15, 16 mG 335, -3, -4 ypr


  1. Is this calibration result correct?
  2. how to plot the calibration data results? is it necessary third party software?
  3. does each board restart need to calibrate the data with eight figure?
  4. I'm trying to create a project like the freedrum stick website (freedrum.rock), does this sketch match my project, to calibrate the MPU-9250?
  5. i'm in need of data results from mpu 9250 which is already converted to degrees and angles 0-360 degrees?
  6. I want every time I restart the wemos board wherever the direction of its position, I get the data value of 0 degree angle.

thanks a lot for the help and input, I'm still new to using MPU-9250, so still have to ask a lot of the experts.

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kriswiner commented 6 years ago

wrong with your gyro data.

On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 7:14 PM, Tlera Corporation wrote:

Something is wrong with our gyro data.

Calibration is a function of the specific sensor youa re using. Once you have good calibration data, you can store in the sketch and not have to calibrate again, or for a while anyway.

On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 7:06 PM, exzibith wrote:

I'm using WEMOS Lolin32 board and merge your MPU9250_MS5637_AHRS_t3.ino code. calibration results as below :

MPU9250 9-DOF 16-bit motion sensor 60 ug LSB Scanning... I2C device found at address 0x0C ! I2C device found at address 0x68 ! done

MPU9250 9-axis motion sensor... MPU9250 I AM 73 I should be 73 MPU9250 is online... x-axis self test: acceleration trim within : -0.4% of factory value y-axis self test: acceleration trim within : 0.1% of factory value z-axis self test: acceleration trim within : 0.6% of factory value x-axis self test: gyration trim within : -0.5% of factory value y-axis self test: gyration trim within : -0.3% of factory value z-axis self test: gyration trim within : 0.3% of factory value Calibrate gyro and accel accel biases (mg) 11.11 45.23 -17.58 gyro biases (dps) 2.89 0.05 -0.92 MPU9250 bias x y z 1145-17mg2.90.0-0.9o/s MPU9250 initialized for active data mode.... AK8963 I AM 48 I should be 48 AK8963 initialized for active data mode.... Mag Calibration: Wave device in a figure eight until done! Mag Calibration done! AK8963 mag biases (mG) -253.08 709.87 -765.09 AK8963 mag scale (mG) 1.87 0.49 2.47 X-Axis sensitivity adjustment value 1.16 Y-Axis sensitivity adjustment value 1.17 Z-Axis sensitivity adjustment value 1.13 AK8963 ASAX 1.16 ASAY 1.17 ASAZ 1.13 ax = 0.00 ay = 0.00 az = 0.00 mg gx = 0.00 gy = 0.00 gz = 0.00 deg/s mx = 0 my = 0 mz = 0 mG q0 = 1.00 qx = 0.00 qy = 0.00 qz = 0.00 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 0.42, 0.00, 0.00 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 0.00, 0.00, 1000.00 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 0.00, 0.00, -1000.00 mg rate = 1.02 Hz

x y z : 0, 0, 0 mg 0, 0, 0 o/s 0, 0, 0 mG 0, 0, 0 ypr ax = 88.93 ay = 360.78 az = 980.59 mg gx = 3.34 gy = 2.61 gz = -93.29 deg/s mx = 13 my = 55 mz = -20 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.00 qy = 0.00 qz = 0.12 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 13.66, 0.48, -0.11 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 1.87, 8.31, 999.96 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 87.06, 352.47, -19.37 mg rate = 25228.31 Hz

x y z : 88, 360, 980 mg 3, 2, -93 o/s 13, 55, -20 mG 13, 0, 0 ypr ax = -126.46 ay = -424.93 az = 964.42 mg gx = 9.85 gy = -15.11 gz = 78.01 deg/s mx = -3 my = 51 mz = -16 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = 0.00 qy = -0.02 qz = 0.12 Gyro temperature is 29.0 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 14.19, -1.91, -0.15 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 2.61, -33.32, 999.44 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -129.08, -391.60, -35.02 mg rate = 24958.09 Hz

x y z : -126, -424, 964 mg 9, -15, 78 o/s -3, 51, -16 mG 14, -1, 0 ypr ax = -206.60 ay = 250.85 az = 972.05 mg gx = 2.91 gy = 3.18 gz = 40.81 deg/s mx = -55 my = -13 mz = -8 mG q0 = 1.00 qx = -0.01 qy = -0.02 qz = -0.08 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 350.83, -1.96, -0.76 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 13.20, -34.25, 999.33 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -219.81, 285.10, -27.28 mg rate = 25138.67 Hz

x y z : -206, 250, 972 mg 2, 3, 40 o/s -55, -13, -8 mG 350, -1, 0 ypr ax = 283.08 ay = -431.52 az = 923.46 mg gx = -3.99 gy = -13.04 gz = -50.22 deg/s mx = -39 my = -12 mz = -62 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = 0.01 qy = 0.00 qz = -0.12 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 346.40, 0.20, 0.88 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: -15.37, 3.44, 999.88 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 298.45, -434.96, -76.41 mg rate = 24923.69 Hz

x y z : 283, -431, 923 mg -3, -13, -50 o/s -39, -12, -62 mG 346, 0, 0 ypr ax = -76.17 ay = 44.74 az = 1054.02 mg gx = -5.98 gy = 4.36 gz = -4.61 deg/s mx = -32 my = 16 mz = 37 mG q0 = 1.00 qx = -0.02 qy = -0.02 qz = -0.04 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 355.60, -2.30, -2.68 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 46.65, -40.14, 998.10 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -122.82, 84.88, 55.91 mg rate = 25006.99 Hz

x y z : -76, 44, 1054 mg -5, 4, -4 o/s -32, 16, 37 mG 355, -2, -2 ypr ax = -590.39 ay = 7.08 az = 1024.84 mg gx = 5.65 gy = 6.39 gz = 21.10 deg/s mx = 26 my = 82 mz = -20 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.00 qy = -0.02 qz = 0.12 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 14.49, -1.73, -0.29 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 5.01, -30.28, 999.53 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -595.40, 37.36, 25.31 mg rate = 25099.67 Hz

x y z : -590, 7, 1024 mg 5, 6, 21 o/s 26, 82, -20 mG 14, -1, 0 ypr ax = 91.80 ay = -119.75 az = 1031.62 mg gx = 6.31 gy = -3.78 gz = 45.30 deg/s mx = -65 my = 11 mz = -20 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.01 qy = -0.03 qz = -0.10 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 349.14, -3.36, -1.34 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 23.39, -58.66, 998.00 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 68.40, -61.09, 33.61 mg rate = 25092.80 Hz

x y z : 91, -119, 1031 mg 6, -3, 45 o/s -65, 11, -20 mG 349, -3, -1 ypr ax = 58.11 ay = 272.52 az = 1021.00 mg gx = -2.88 gy = -0.66 gz = 70.86 deg/s mx = -42 my = -46 mz = -16 mG q0 = 0.97 qx = -0.01 qy = -0.03 qz = -0.25 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 331.69, -3.58, -0.78 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 13.55, -62.41, 997.96 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 44.56, 334.93, 23.04 mg rate = 24969.78 Hz

x y z : 58, 272, 1020 mg -2, 0, 70 o/s -42, -46, -16 mG 331, -3, 0 ypr ax = -81.54 ay = -174.32 az = 1027.95 mg gx = -8.19 gy = -1.12 gz = -53.87 deg/s mx = -26 my = -9 mz = -62 mG q0 = 0.98 qx = -0.02 qy = -0.02 qz = -0.19 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 338.70, -3.14, -1.53 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 26.71, -54.79, 998.14 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -108.25, -119.53, 29.81 mg rate = 25058.47 Hz

x y z : -81, -174, 1027 mg -8, -1, -53 o/s -26, -9, -62 mG 338, -3, -1 ypr ax = -32.35 ay = -10.80 az = 989.07 mg gx = 0.49 gy = -0.05 gz = 1.79 deg/s mx = -58 my = 21 mz = -54 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.02 qy = -0.03 qz = -0.13 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 345.72, -4.06, -1.72 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 29.94, -70.87, 997.04 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -62.29, 60.06, -7.96 mg rate = 25147.32 Hz

x y z : -32, -10, 989 mg 0, 0, 1 o/s -58, 21, -54 mG 345, -4, -1 ypr ax = -19.29 ay = 8.18 az = 995.61 mg gx = -0.05 gy = 0.12 gz = -1.88 deg/s mx = -55 my = 22 mz = -41 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.03 qy = -0.03 qz = -0.15 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 342.70, -4.27, -2.68 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 46.66, -74.43, 996.13 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -65.95, 82.61, -0.53 mg rate = 25316.27 Hz

x y z : -19, 8, 995 mg 0, 0, -1 o/s -55, 22, -41 mG 342, -4, -2 ypr ax = -7.51 ay = 10.31 az = 992.25 mg gx = 0.19 gy = 0.18 gz = -0.10 deg/s mx = -29 my = 22 mz = -25 mG q0 = 0.98 qx = -0.03 qy = -0.03 qz = -0.17 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 340.52, -4.24, -3.19 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 55.56, -73.89, 995.72 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -63.06, 84.20, -3.47 mg rate = 25437.74 Hz

x y z : -7, 10, 992 mg 0, 0, 0 o/s -29, 22, -25 mG 340, -4, -3 ypr ax = 89.72 ay = 19.47 az = 1062.68 mg gx = -9.94 gy = -2.55 gz = -48.47 deg/s mx = -6 my = 40 mz = -12 mG q0 = 0.99 qx = -0.04 qy = -0.01 qz = -0.14 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 344.50, -2.34, -4.67 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 81.33, -40.77, 995.85 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: 8.39, 60.24, 66.83 mg rate = 25083.33 Hz

x y z : 89, 19, 1062 mg -9, -2, -48 o/s -6, 40, -12 mG 344, -2, -4 ypr ax = -320.56 ay = -130.19 az = 869.93 mg gx = 9.10 gy = 9.52 gz = 35.00 deg/s mx = -16 my = 54 mz = 8 mG q0 = 1.00 qx = -0.02 qy = -0.02 qz = -0.07 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 352.77, -2.76, -2.66 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 46.40, -48.08, 997.77 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -366.95, -82.11, -127.83 mg rate = 25107.07 Hz

x y z : -320, -130, 869 mg 9, 9, 34 o/s -16, 54, 8 mG 352, -2, -2 ypr ax = 39.49 ay = 119.75 az = 1056.58 mg gx = -15.62 gy = 1.25 gz = 18.19 deg/s mx = -68 my = 15 mz = 16 mG q0 = 0.97 qx = -0.04 qy = -0.02 qz = -0.22 Gyro temperature is 29.1 degrees C Yaw, Pitch, Roll: 335.43, -3.75, -4.06 Grav_x, Grav_y, Grav_z: 70.58, -65.33, 995.36 mg Lin_ax, Lin_ay, Lin_az: -31.09, 185.09, 61.22 mg rate = 25129.30 Hz x y z : 39, 119, 1056 mg -15, 1, 18 o/s -68, 15, 16 mG 335, -3, -4 ypr


  1. Is this calibration result correct?
  2. how to plot the calibration data results? is it necessary third party software?
  3. does each board restart need to calibrate the data with eight figure?
  4. I'm trying to create a project like the freedrum stick website (freedrum.rock), does this sketch match my project, to calibrate the MPU-9250?
  5. i'm in need of data results from mpu 9250 which is already converted to degrees and angles 0-360 degrees?
  6. I want every time I restart the wemos board wherever the direction of its position, I get the data value of 0 degree angle.

thanks a lot for the help and input, I'm still new to using MPU-9250, so still have to ask a lot of the experts.

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exzibith commented 6 years ago

which one is wrong with the data gyro? Is this? I tested it with figure 8,

gx = 9.85 gy = -15.11 gz = 78.01 deg/s gx = 2.91 gy = 3.18 gz = 40.81 deg/s

whether for the next data mag bias calibration can i use my own way? as follows?

readMagData (magCount); // Read the x / y / z adc values     getMres (); // Supplement      magBias [0] = -237.37; // Additional calibration results User environmental x-axis correction in milliGauss, should be automatically calculated      magBias [1] = +771.37; // Additional calibration results User environmental x-axis correction in milliGauss      magBias [2] = -775.24; // Additional calibration results User environmental x-axis correction in milliGauss

kriswiner commented 6 years ago

Gyro at rest (no motion) should be much less that 1 dps.

Yes, once you have the calibration right, you can embed in the sketch.

On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 8:02 PM, exzibith wrote:

which one is wrong with the data gyro? Is this? I tested it with figure 8,

gx = 9.85 gy = -15.11 gz = 78.01 deg/s gx = 2.91 gy = 3.18 gz = 40.81 deg/s

whether for the next data mag bias calibration can i use my own way? as follows?

readMagData (magCount); // Read the x / y / z adc values getMres (); // Supplement magBias [0] = -237.37; // Additional calibration results User environmental x-axis correction in milliGauss, should be automatically calculated magBias [1] = +771.37; // Additional calibration results User environmental x-axis correction in milliGauss magBias [2] = -775.24; // Additional calibration results User environmental x-axis correction in milliGauss

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