kriswiner / MPU9250

Arduino sketches for MPU9250 9DoF with AHRS sensor fusion
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Arduino Pro Mini #8

Open themuck opened 9 years ago

themuck commented 9 years ago

Hallo, i have an Arduino Pro Mini, MPU-9250 Board and Nokia 5110 Display, but the code works only without serial debug.

kriswiner commented 9 years ago

Yes, I have seen this problem with the Pro Mini. I think there is either a memory limitation or a timing conflict. I never really understood it. Sometimes the difference between working and not working was a single Serial.print! It's not a flaw in the sketch, but a flaw in the AVR platform. This is one of the many reasons I no longer use the Pro Mini and have moved almost exclusively to the Teensy 3.1.

themuck commented 9 years ago

OK thanks, what i want to do is to have all 3 axis in a stable oriantation form -/+180°. But i am not realy shure how i must calculate it now. I think the "ypr" values shows this but this not realy working.

tempCount = readTempData(); // Read the adc values is inside if(SerialDebug)... so the 5110 shows no tempreature.

i turn around X roll goes -180 to 0 to 180, i think it is OK i turn around Z yaw goes -180 to 0 to 180, for this it was importent to use (max + min) / 2 to schift magnetic to 0. i turn around Y pitch goes -90 to 0 to 90, i think this is ok

when i pitch ,yaw value is wrong and run to another Value when i roll , yaw value is wrong and run to anther Value.

I use a Mini Pro 5V with 16MHz

here is my code

themuck commented 9 years ago

//MadgwickQuaternionUpdate(ax, ay, az, gx_PI/180.0f, gy_PI/180.0f, gz_PI/180.0f, mx, my, mz); MadgwickQuaternionUpdate(ax, ay, -az, gx_PI/180.0f, gy_PI/180.0f, gz_PI/180.0f, my, mx, mz); // change mx & my, and negate az to have all axes in one direction!!!

but now yaw swings over, and when i roll or pitch it change :(

themuck commented 9 years ago

OK, now i checked all and use the Everything works...

kriswiner commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure what kind of problems you are having but I believe the Nokia 5110 is a 3V3-only display. I wouldn't use 5 V.

themuck commented 9 years ago

Now i think it works...