kriswiner / nRF52832DevBoard

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Help needed over at MySensors #1

Open tpspencer opened 7 years ago

tpspencer commented 7 years ago

Kris what a great looking nrf board you have created. I don't know if you have visited the website, but it's all about super low power sensor networks. Most people have been using nRF24L01+ or RFM69 radios, but now that the 832 and soon to be 840 chips are here, the group sees promise in using those for the radio and processor.

You appear to be brilliant in this area, so I would like to invite you to join us and help get the 832 rolling. Here is a thread to get you started. Look at the later posts about 832s.

Here is the hardware website where people post their creations.

Thanks, hope to see you over there. Terrence