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How do I add a pre-build command? #169

Open bokov opened 4 years ago

bokov commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to execute an additional installation step without replacing whatever r-appveyor already does by default.

I tried this...

   - install_deps
   - Rscript -e 'remotes::install_deps(dependencies = TRUE, upgrade="never", type="source")'

...and it failed:

Then I tried this...

   - install_deps && Rscript -e 'remotes::install_deps(dependencies = TRUE, upgrade="never", type="source")' also failed:

In both cases the error was:

Rscript -e 'remotes::install_deps(dependencies = TRUE, upgrade="never", type="source")'
Error: unexpected end of input
Execution halted

What is the correct syntax for inserting something after the built-in r-appveyor build_script?


ErdaradunGaztea commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure how much would this help you, because I was able to get rid of - install_deps part completely. Having said this, the problem I had seemed to be either with spaces or quotation marks. After about a thousand tries I got my code to work by writing (no quotation marks, no spaces too, though I'm only sure about the former causing problems):

- Rscript -e remotes::install_deps(dependencies=TRUE,repos=c(getOption('repos'),remotes::bioc_install_repos()))

In your case this would translate to:

- Rscript -e remotes::install_deps(dependencies=TRUE,upgrade='never',type='source')