krmanik / Anki-xiehanzi

Learn, read, write and practice Mandarin by drawing strokes in Anki Desktop, AnkiDroid and AnkiMobile with audio of HSK 2.0 (HSK1-6) and HSK 3.0 (HSK 1-9) characters.
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Can I set default values of preferences? #49

Open DzSom02 opened 6 months ago

DzSom02 commented 6 months ago

First of all, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for this work! Amazing! Thank you :) Is there a place to donate?

I just downloaded the deck and I realized for every study session I need to set the preferences I have checked the documentation and I don't see any way to "Fix" or make it permanent between sessions. (From card to card remains the same)

I did try to edit the init functions, but I'm not managing to get the expected results, I can dedicate more time but I thought to ask if there is another way since I'm not very experienced with js.

Thank you!

krmanik commented 6 months ago

In Anki and AnkiMobile the prefs are persistence but in case of AnkiDroid the prefs cleared after each session, earlier AnkiDroid uses localStorage which fixed the issue but now AnkiDroid uses http server with different port each time which reset localStorage also.

DzSom02 commented 6 months ago

I see! Thanks for the reply, I'm using AnkiDroid indeed

BeorTheOld commented 6 months ago

Screenshot 2024-03-24 125043 For the grid we are able to set the default value of the draw size, stroke size, etc. Is there a way to set the other buttons to default to checked or not checked?

DzSom02 commented 6 months ago

@BeorTheOld You can indeed, for me what I did was to change the Anki card itself (Basically because I did not want to dedicate a lot of time finding the way to change the default values)

The defaults are set in initSwitchPrefs and initDrawsPrefs but they are set in bulk to the same option:

    function initSwitchPrefs() {
        for (var _id of switchIdList) {
            var perId = frontBack + _id;
            var divId = _id.replace("text-", "char_");
            var drawIds = ["text-grid", "text-stroke-color", "text-outline"];
            if (Persistence.getItem(perId) == "false") {
                document.getElementById(_id).checked = false;
                if (!drawIds.includes(_id)) {
                    document.getElementById(divId).style.display = "none";
            } else {
                document.getElementById(_id).checked = true;
                Persistence.setItem(perId, "true");
                if (!drawIds.includes(_id)) {
                    document.getElementById(divId).style.display = "block";

Basically, in our case I understand it falls everything under if (Persistence.getItem(perId) == "false") {

Later there are some conditionals in the same function:

            if (_id == "text-pinyin") {
                showHide(".pinyin", isShowField);
            if (_id == "text-zhuyin") {
                showHide(".zhuyin", isShowField);
            if (_id == "text-sim") {
                showHide("#char-sim-id", isShowField);
            if (_id == "text-trad") {
                showHide("#char-trad-id", isShowField);
                showHide(".sep", isShowField);

But I did not manage to set defaults with this, since I found there was some inconsistency with the checkbox themselves (and maybe other stuff not sure)

So in summary, I deleted or added "divs" in the code based on my preferences since I think I won't need to change it using the preferences menu dynamically.

Just one last thing to mention, in the card type 5, if you want to hide the Characters, you will need to change something in the code: (line 508)

    var characters = document.getElementById("practice-select").selectedIndex == "0"
        ? "{{Simplified}}"
        : "{{Traditional}}";

I don't have the original code, but here it takes the character from the div and if you remove the div it fails

Hopefully, some of this helps!

BeorTheOld commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your help. I cant see where to add the divs, could you upload a copy of the code you are using so I can compare it to mine?

DzSom02 commented 5 months ago

Hello @BeorTheOld sorry for the late Answer, I can share with you the code for the card type 5 (The for the writting), I have modified many things so it adapts to my needs. Some of the modifications I remember:

  1. Remove Zhuyin and traditional since it's not interesting for me.
  2. I have also added a link to pandanese for mnemonics since none of them have
  3. Maybe there is other stuff but I don't remember.
    var url_hanzi = "";

    // change color
    var stroke_color = "#555";
    var outline_color = "#DDD";
    var drawing_color = "#333";

    if (document.body.classList.contains("night_mode")) {
        stroke_color = "#ffffff";
        outline_color = "#5B5B5B";
        drawing_color = "#fff";

    function getToneColor(char) {
        stroke_color = "#555";
        if (document.body.classList.contains("night_mode")) {
            stroke_color = "#ffffff";
        switch (char) {
            case "char-tone1": return "#f44336";
            case "char-tone2": return "#ff9800";
            case "char-tone3": return "#4caf50";
            case "char-tone4": return "#2196f3";
            case "char-tone0": return stroke_color;
            case "char-tone5": return stroke_color;

<div id="char_pinyin">{{Pinyin}}</div>
<div id="onfinish-character-target-div" class="tappable"></div>
<div id="character-target-div" class="tappable"></div>
<div id="ch_load_status" style="color:#ea2322; margin-top: -36px; display: none;">&#8226;</div>
<div id='audio' style='display:none'>{{Audio}}</div>

{{tts zh_CN:Simplified}}

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            <div class="fieldset-item fs-item-1">
                <div class="input-stack">
                    <label for="text-sim">
                <input class="tappable" type="checkbox" id="text-sim" name="text-sim" onchange=setPrefs(this)>
            <div class="fieldset-item fs-item-1">
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                <div class="input-stack">
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                <div class="input-stack">
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                <input class="tappable" name="draw-size" id="draw-size" aria-labelledby="draw-size" type="number"
                    value="250" min="100" max="1000" oninput=setPrefs(this)>
            <div class="fieldset-item fs-item-1">
                <div class="input-stack">
                    <label for="stroke-size" id="text-stroke-size" aria-hidden="true"><small>Stroke
                <input class="tappable" name="stroke-size" id="stroke-size" aria-labelledby="stroke-size" type="number"
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                <div class="input-stack">
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                    value="3" min="1" max="10" oninput=setPrefs(this)>
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    // v1.0.0 -
    if (void 0 === window.Persistence) { var e = "", t = "_default"; if (window.Persistence_localStorage = function () { var i = !1; try { null !== window.localStorage && "object" == typeof window.localStorage && (i = !0, this.clear = function () { for (var t = 0; t < localStorage.length; t++) { var i = localStorage.key(t); 0 == i.indexOf(e) && (localStorage.removeItem(i), t--) } }, this.setItem = function (i, n) { void 0 == n && (n = i, i = t), localStorage.setItem(e + i, JSON.stringify(n)) }, this.getItem = function (i) { return void 0 == i && (i = t), JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(e + i)) }, this.removeItem = function (i) { void 0 == i && (i = t), localStorage.removeItem(e + i) }) } catch (n) { } this.isAvailable = function () { return i } }, window.Persistence_sessionStorage = function () { var i = !1; try { "object" == typeof window.sessionStorage && (i = !0, this.clear = function () { for (var t = 0; t < sessionStorage.length; t++) { var i = sessionStorage.key(t); 0 == i.indexOf(e) && (sessionStorage.removeItem(i), t--) } }, this.setItem = function (i, n) { void 0 == n && (n = i, i = t), sessionStorage.setItem(e + i, JSON.stringify(n)) }, this.getItem = function (i) { return void 0 == i && (i = t), JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(e + i)) }, this.removeItem = function (i) { void 0 == i && (i = t), sessionStorage.removeItem(e + i) }) } catch (n) { } this.isAvailable = function () { return i } }, window.Persistence_windowKey = function (i) { var n = window[i], o = !1; "object" == typeof n && (o = !0, this.clear = function () { n[e] = {} }, this.setItem = function (i, o) { void 0 == o && (o = i, i = t), n[e][i] = o }, this.getItem = function (i) { return void 0 == i && (i = t), void 0 == n[e][i] ? null : n[e][i] }, this.removeItem = function (i) { void 0 == i && (i = t), delete n[e][i] }, void 0 == n[e] && this.clear()), this.isAvailable = function () { return o } }, window.Persistence = new Persistence_sessionStorage, navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mobile") > 0 && (window.Persistence = new Persistence_localStorage, Persistence.isAvailable() || (window.Persistence = new Persistence_sessionStorage)), Persistence.isAvailable() || (window.Persistence = new Persistence_windowKey("py")), !Persistence.isAvailable()) { var i = window.location.toString().indexOf("title"), n = window.location.toString().indexOf("main", i); i > 0 && n > 0 && n - i < 10 && (window.Persistence = new Persistence_windowKey("qt")) } }

    var charClass = document.getElementById("char-sim-id").children;

    var switchIdList = ["text-grid", "text-pinyin", "text-zhuyin", "text-meaning", "text-sim", "text-trad", "text-stroke-color", "text-outline"];

    var frontBack = "front";
    function setActive(side) {
        if (side == "text-front") {
            frontBack = "front";
        if (side == "text-back") {
            frontBack = "back";

    if (!document.getElementById("back")) {
    } else {

    function initPractice() {
        var _selectPracticeId = frontBack + "practice-select";
        var selectPracticeElem = document.getElementById("practice-select");
        var selectPracticeStore = Persistence.getItem(_selectPracticeId);

        if (selectPracticeStore == undefined) {
            selectPracticeElem.selectedIndex = 0;
            Persistence.setItem(_selectPracticeId, 0);
        } else {
            selectPracticeElem.selectedIndex = selectPracticeStore;
            Persistence.setItem(_selectPracticeId, selectPracticeStore);

    function initSwitchPrefs() {
        for (var _id of switchIdList) {
            var perId = frontBack + _id;
            var divId = _id.replace("text-", "char_");
            var drawIds = ["text-grid", "text-stroke-color", "text-outline"];
            if (Persistence.getItem(perId) == "false") {
                document.getElementById(_id).checked = false;
                if (!drawIds.includes(_id)) {
                    document.getElementById(divId).style.display = "none";
            } else {
                document.getElementById(_id).checked = true;
                Persistence.setItem(perId, "true");
                if (!drawIds.includes(_id)) {
                    document.getElementById(divId).style.display = "block";

            var isShowField = document.getElementById(_id).checked ? true : false;
            if (_id == "text-pinyin") {
                showHide(".pinyin", isShowField);
            if (_id == "text-zhuyin") {
                showHide(".zhuyin", isShowField);
            if (_id == "text-sim") {
                showHide("#char-sim-id", isShowField);
            if (_id == "text-trad") {
                showHide("#char-trad-id", isShowField);
                showHide(".sep", isShowField);


    function showTraditionalChar() {
        var tradChar = document.getElementById("char_trad");
        var simChar = document.getElementById("char_sim");
        var tradPer = Persistence
        if (tradChar.innerHTML != simChar.innerHTML) {
            if (Persistence.getItem(frontBack + "text-trad") == "true") {
       = "block";
        } else {
            if (Persistence.getItem(frontBack + "text-sim") == "true") {
       = "none";

    function initDrawPrefs() {
        var drawPrefsList = ["draw-size", "stroke-size", "hint-miss"];
        for (var _id of drawPrefsList) {
            var perId = frontBack + _id;
            var elem = document.getElementById(_id);
            var store = Persistence.getItem(perId);
            if (store) {
                elem.value = store;
            } else {
                var value = _id == "draw-size" ? 400 : _id == "stroke-size" ? 64 : 5; 2

                elem.value = value;
                Persistence.setItem(perId, value);

        var perIndex = Persistence.getItem(frontBack + "practice-select");
        if (perIndex) {
            characters = document.getElementById('char_trad').innerHTML;
            document.getElementById("practice-select").selectedIndex = 1;
        } else {
            characters = document.getElementById('char_sim').innerHTML;
            document.getElementById("practice-select").selectedIndex = 0;

    function setPrefs(e) {
        var perId = frontBack +;
        if ( == "practice-select") {
            Persistence.setItem(perId, e.selectedIndex);
            characters = document.getElementById("practice-select").selectedIndex == 0
                ? document.getElementById('char_sim').innerHTML
                : document.getElementById('char_trad').innerHTML;

        if (e.type == "checkbox") {
            Persistence.setItem(perId, e.checked.toString());
            var divId ="text-", "char_");
            if ( == "text-stroke-color" || == "text-outline") {

            if (e.checked) {
                document.getElementById(divId).style.display = "block";
            } else {
                document.getElementById(divId).style.display = "none";

            var isShowField = document.getElementById(divId).style.display == "none" ? false : true;
            if ( == "text-pinyin") {
                showHide(".pinyin", isShowField);
            if ( == "text-zhuyin") {
                showHide(".zhuyin", isShowField);
            if ( == "text-sim") {
                showHide("#char-sim-id", isShowField);
            if ( == "text-trad") {
                showHide("#char-trad-id", isShowField);
                showHide(".sep", isShowField);

        if (e.type == "number") {
            Persistence.setItem(perId, e.value);
            var elem = document.getElementById(;
            elem.value = e.value;

    function showHide(type, isShow, style = "inline") {
        if (isShow) {
            document.querySelectorAll(type).forEach(function (val) {
       = style;
        } else {
            document.querySelectorAll(type).forEach(function (val) {
       = 'none';

    function openSidebar(id) {
        var width = id == "sidebar" ? "250px" : "160px";
        document.getElementById(id).style.width = width;

    function closeSidebar(id) {
        document.getElementById(id).style.width = "0";

    document.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
        if (!document.getElementById("sidebar") || !document.getElementById("more-info-sidebar")) { return };
        if (!document.getElementById("sidebar").contains( {
        if (!document.getElementById("more-info-sidebar").contains( {
        if (document.getElementById("btnShowMenu").contains( {
        if (document.getElementById("btnMoreOptions").contains( {

    if (Persistence.isAvailable()) {
        if (window.ankiPlatform == "desktop" || isInWebView()) {
        } else {
            window.addEventListener("load", initPractice, false);
            window.addEventListener("load", initSwitchPrefs, false);
            window.addEventListener("load", initDrawPrefs, false);
    // audio in Anki Web on different systems

    function isInWebView() {
        var UA = navigator.userAgent;
        if (/iPhone|iPod|iPad/.test(UA)) {
            if (/(iPhone|iPod|iPad).*AppleWebKit(?!.*Safari)/i.test(UA)) {
                return true;
        if (window.location.href.includes("")) {
            return true;
        return false;
    //do not modify it
    /*! Hanzi Writer v2.2.2 | */
    !function (t, i) { "object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module ? module.exports = i() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], i) : "object" == typeof exports ? exports.HanziWriter = i() : t.HanziWriter = i() }("undefined" != typeof self ? self : this, function () { return function (n) { var r = {}; function o(t) { if (r[t]) return r[t].exports; var i = r[t] = { i: t, l: !1, exports: {} }; return n[t].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, o), i.l = !0, i.exports } return o.m = n, o.c = r, o.d = function (t, i, n) { o.o(t, i) || Object.defineProperty(t, i, { configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, get: n }) }, o.n = function (t) { var i = t && t.t ? function () { return t.default } : function () { return t }; return o.d(i, "a", i), i }, o.o = function (t, i) { return, i) }, o.p = "", o(o.s = 9) }([function (c, t, i) { "use strict"; (function (t) { var u = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t }; var i = t.performance && function () { return } || function () { return }, n = t.requestAnimationFrame || function (t) { return setTimeout(function () { return t(i()) }, 1e3 / 60) }, r = t.cancelAnimationFrame || clearTimeout, o = function (t) { for (var n = Object(t), i = arguments.length, r = Array(1 < i ? i - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < i; o++)r[o - 1] = arguments[o]; return r.forEach(function (t) { if (null != t) for (var i in t), i) && (n[i] = t[i]) }), n }, h = Object.assign || o; var s = 0; var e = t.navigator && t.navigator.userAgent || "", a = 0 < e.indexOf("MSIE ") || 0 < e.indexOf("Trident/") || 0 < e.indexOf("Edge/"); c.exports = { e: o, arrLast: function (t) { return t[t.length - 1] }, assign: h, average: function (t) { return t.reduce(function (t, i) { return i + t }, 0) / t.length }, callIfExists: function (t, i) { return t && t(i), i }, cancelAnimationFrame: r, colorStringToVals: function (t) { var i = t.toUpperCase().trim(); if (/^#([A-F0-9]{3}){1,2}$/.test(i)) { var n = i.substring(1).split(""); 3 === n.length && (n = [n[0], n[0], n[1], n[1], n[2], n[2]]); var r = "" + n.join(""); return { r: parseInt(r.slice(0, 2), 16), g: parseInt(r.slice(2, 4), 16), b: parseInt(r.slice(4, 6), 16), a: 1 } } var o = i.match(/^RGBA?\((\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)(?:\s*,\s*(\d*\.?\d+))?\)$/); if (o) return { r: parseInt(o[1], 10), g: parseInt(o[2], 10), b: parseInt(o[3], 10), a: parseFloat(o[4] || 1, 10) }; throw new Error("Invalid color: " + t) }, copyAndMergeDeep: function t(i, n) { var r = h({}, i); for (var o in n) { var s = i[o], e = n[o]; s !== e && (s && e && "object" === (void 0 === s ? "undefined" : u(s)) && "object" === (void 0 === e ? "undefined" : u(e)) && !Array.isArray(e) ? r[o] = t(s, e) : r[o] = e) } return r }, counter: function () { return ++s }, emptyFunc: function () { }, inflate: function (t, i) { for (var n = t.split("."), r = {}, o = r, s = 0; s < n.length; s++) { var e = s === n.length - 1 ? i : {}; o[n[s]] = e, o = e } return r }, objRepeat: function (t, i) { for (var n = {}, r = 0; r < i; r++)n[r] = t; return n }, performanceNow: i, requestAnimationFrame: n, timeout: function () { var n = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0; return new Promise(function (t, i) { setTimeout(t, n) }) }, trim: function (t) { return t.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "") }, isMsBrowser: a } }).call(t, i(1)) }, function (Ia, Ja) { var Ka; Ka = function () { return this }(); try { Ka = Ka || Function("return this")() || eval("this") } catch (t) { "object" == typeof window && (Ka = window) } Ia.exports = Ka }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(0), e = r.average, v = r.arrLast, u = function (t, i) { return { x: t.x - i.x, y: t.y - i.y } }, s = function (t) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(t.x, 2) + Math.pow(t.y, 2)) }, l = function (t, i) { return s(u(t, i)) }, h = function (t) { var i = 10 * (1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1); return { x: Math.round(i * t.x) / i, y: Math.round(i * t.y) / i } }, d = function (t) { var r = t[0]; return t.slice(1).reduce(function (t, i) { var n = l(i, r); return r = i, t + n }, 0) }, p = function (t, i, n) { var r = u(i, t), o = n / s(r); return { x: i.x + o * r.x, y: i.y + o * r.y } }, a = function (t) { var e = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : .05, u = t.slice(0, 1); return t.slice(1).forEach(function (t) { var i = u[u.length - 1], n = l(t, i); if (e < n) for (var r = Math.ceil(n / e), o = n / r, s = 0; s < r; s++)u.push(p(t, i, -1 * o * (s + 1))); else u.push(t) }), u }, c = function (t) { for (var i = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 30, n = d(t) / (i - 1), r = [t[0]], o = v(t), s = t.slice(1), e = 0; e < i - 2; e++)for (var u = v(r), h = n, a = !1; !a;) { var c = l(u, s[0]); if (c < h) h -= c, u = s.shift(); else { var f = p(u, s[0], h - c); r.push(f), a = !0 } } return r.push(o), r }, f = function (t) { if (t.length < 3) return t; var s = [t[0], t[1]]; return t.slice(2).forEach(function (t, i) { var n = s.length, r = u(t, s[n - 1]), o = u(s[n - 1], s[n - 2]); r.y * o.x - r.x * o.y == 0 && s.pop(), s.push(t) }), s }; t.exports = { round: h, equals: function (t, i) { return t.x === i.x && t.y === i.y }, distance: l, getPathString: function (t) { var i = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1], n = h(t[0]), r = t.slice(1), o = "M " + n.x + " " + n.y; return r.forEach(function (t) { var i = h(t); o += " L " + i.x + " " + i.y }), i && (o += "Z"), o }, frechetDist: function (r, o) { for (var s = [], t = 0; t < r.length; t++) { s.push([]); for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++)s[t].push(-1) } return function t(i, n) { return -1 < s[i][n] || (s[i][n] = 0 === i && 0 === n ? l(r[0], o[0]) : 0 < i && 0 === n ? Math.max(t(i - 1, 0), l(r[i], o[0])) : 0 === i && 0 < n ? Math.max(t(0, n - 1), l(r[0], o[n])) : 0 < i && 0 < n ? Math.max(Math.min(t(i - 1, n), t(i - 1, n - 1), t(i, n - 1)), l(r[i], o[n])) : 1 / 0), s[i][n] }(r.length - 1, o.length - 1) }, length: d, rotate: function (t, i) { return (t) { return { x: Math.cos(i) * t.x - Math.sin(i) * t.y, y: Math.sin(i) * t.x + Math.cos(i) * t.y } }) }, subtract: u, extendStart: function (t, i) { var n = f(t); if (n.length < 2) return n; var r = n[1], o = n[0], s = p(r, o, i), e = n.slice(1); return e.unshift(s), e }, cosineSimilarity: function (t, i) { return (t.x * i.x + t.y * i.y) / s(t) / s(i) }, outlineCurve: c, u: p, h: f, subdivideCurve: a, normalizeCurve: function (t) { var i = c(t), n = { x: e( (t) { return t.x })), y: e( (t) { return t.y })) }, r = (t) { return u(t, n) }), o = Math.sqrt(e([Math.pow(r[0].x, 2) + Math.pow(r[0].y, 2), Math.pow(v(r).x, 2) + Math.pow(v(r).y, 2)])), s = (t) { return { x: t.x / o, y: t.y / o } }); return a(s) } } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; (function (n) { function r(t, i, n) { t.setAttributeNS(null, i, n) } t.exports = { createElm: function (t) { return n.document.createElementNS("", t) }, attrs: function (i, n) { Object.keys(n).forEach(function (t) { return r(i, t, n[t]) }) }, attr: r, removeElm: function (t) { t && t.parentNode.removeChild(t) }, urlIdRef: function (t) { var i = ""; return n.location && n.location.href && (i = n.location.href.replace(/#[^#]*$/, "")), "url(" + i + "#" + t + ")" } } }).call(i, n(1)) }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; function s(t, i, n) { return i in t ? Object.defineProperty(t, i, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : t[i] = n, t } var u = n(5), e = n(0).objRepeat, h = function (t, i, n) { return [new u("character." + t + ".strokes", e({ opacity: 1, displayPortion: 1 }, i.strokes.length), { duration: n, force: !0 })] }, a = function (t, i, n) { return [new u("character." + t + ".opacity", 0, { duration: n, force: !0 })].concat(h(t, i, 0)) }, c = function (t, i, n) { var r = i.strokeNum, o = (i.getLength() + 600) / (3 * n); return [new u("character." + t, { opacity: 1, strokes: s({}, r, { displayPortion: 0, opacity: 1 }) }), new u("character." + t + ".strokes." + r + ".displayPortion", 1, { duration: o })] }, f = function (n, t, i, r, o) { var s = a(n, t, i); return (s = s.concat(h(n, t, 0))).push(new u("character." + n, { opacity: 1, strokes: e({ opacity: 0 }, t.strokes.length) }, { force: !0 })), t.strokes.forEach(function (t, i) { 0 < i && s.push(new u.Delay(o)), s = s.concat(c(n, t, r)) }), s }; t.exports = { showStrokes: h, showCharacter: function (t, i, n) { return [new u("character." + t, { opacity: 1, strokes: e({ opacity: 1, displayPortion: 1 }, i.strokes.length) }, { duration: n, force: !0 })] }, hideCharacter: a, highlightStroke: function (t, i, n) { var r = t.strokeNum, o = (t.getLength() + 600) / (3 * n); return [new u("character.highlight.strokeColor", i), new u("character.highlight", { opacity: 1, strokes: s({}, r, { displayPortion: 0, opacity: 0 }) }), new u("character.highlight.strokes." + r, { displayPortion: 1, opacity: 1 }, { duration: o }), new u("character.highlight.strokes." + r + ".opacity", 0, { duration: o })] }, animateCharacter: f, animateCharacterLoop: function (t, i, n, r, o, s) { var e = f(t, i, n, r, o); return e.push(new u.Delay(s)), e }, animateStroke: c, animateSingleStroke: function (o, s, t, i) { return [new u("character." + o, function (t) { for (var i = t.character[o], n = { opacity: 1, strokes: {} }, r = 0; r < s.strokes.length; r++)n.strokes[r] = { opacity: i.opacity * i.strokes[r].opacity }; return n })].concat(c(o, s.strokes[t], i)) }, showStroke: function (t, i, n) { return [new u("character." + t + ".strokes." + i, { displayPortion: 1, opacity: 1 }, { duration: n, force: !0 })] }, updateColor: function (t, i, n) { return [new u("options." + t, i, { duration: n })] } } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(0), o = r.inflate, s = r.performanceNow, e = r.requestAnimationFrame, u = r.cancelAnimationFrame; function h(t, i) { var n = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}; this.scope = t, this.f = i, this.v = n.duration || 0, this.w = n.force, this.k = 0, this.C = this.M.bind(this), this.S = null } function a(t) { this.v = t, this.j = null, this.P = !1 } = function (t) { var i = this; return this.O || this.A(t), 0 === this.v && t.updateState(this.O), 0 === this.v || function t(i, n) { for (var r in n) if (n.hasOwnProperty(r)) { var o = n[r], s = i[r]; if (0 <= o) { if (o !== s) return !1 } else if (!t(s, o)) return !1 } return !0 }(t.state, this.O) ? Promise.resolve() : (this.F = t, this.D = t.state, this.j = s(), this.T = e(this.C), new Promise(function (t) { i.I = t })) }, h.prototype.pause = function () { null === this.S && (this.T && u(this.T), this.S = s()) }, h.prototype.resume = function () { null !== this.S && (this.T = e(this.C), this.k += s() - this.S, this.S = null) }, h.prototype.M = function (t) { if (null === this.S) { var i, n = Math.min(1, (t - this.j - this.k) / this.v); if (1 === n) this.F.updateState(this.O), this.T = null, this.cancel(this.F); else { var r = (i = n, -Math.cos(i * Math.PI) / 2 + .5); this.F.updateState(function t(i, n, r) { var o = {}; for (var s in n) { var e = n[s], u = i[s]; o[s] = 0 <= e ? r * (e - u) + u : t(u, e, r) } return o }(this.D, this.O, r)), this.T = e(this.C) } } }, h.prototype.A = function (t) { var i = this.f; "function" == typeof this.f && (i = this.f(t.state)), this.O = o(this.scope, i) }, h.prototype.cancel = function (t) { this.I && this.I(), this.I = null, this.T && u(this.T), this.T = null, this.w && (this.O || this.A(t), t.updateState(this.O)) }, a.prototype.pause = function () { if (!this.P) { var t = s() - this.j; this.v = Math.max(0, this.v - t), clearTimeout(this.W), this.P = !0 } }, a.prototype.resume = function () { var t = this; this.P && (this.j = s(), this.W = setTimeout(function () { return t.cancel() }, this.v), this.P = !1) }, = function () { var i = this, t = new Promise(function (t) { i.I = t }); return this.j = s(), this.W = setTimeout(function () { return i.cancel() }, this.v), t }, a.prototype.cancel = function () { clearTimeout(this.W), this.I && this.I(), this.I = !1 }, h.Delay = a, t.exports = h }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; function r() { } r.prototype.z = function (t) { return .999 * this.R * (1 - t) }, r.prototype.H = function (t) { var i = t.strokeColor, n = t.radicalColor; return n && this.L.isInRadical ? n : i }, t.exports = r }, function (n, t, i) { "use strict"; (function (i) { function t() { } t.prototype.addPointerStartListener = function (i) { var n = this; this.node.addEventListener("mousedown", function (t) { i(n.U(t, n._)) }), this.node.addEventListener("touchstart", function (t) { i(n.U(t, n.K)) }) }, t.prototype.addPointerMoveListener = function (i) { var n = this; this.node.addEventListener("mousemove", function (t) { i(n.U(t, n._)) }), this.node.addEventListener("touchmove", function (t) { i(n.U(t, n.K)) }) }, t.prototype.addPointerEndListener = function (t) { i.document.addEventListener("mouseup", t), i.document.addEventListener("touchend", t) }, t.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = function () { return this.node.getBoundingClientRect() }, t.prototype.U = function (t, i) { var n = this; return { getPoint: function () { return, t) }, preventDefault: function () { return t.preventDefault() } } }, t.prototype._ = function (t) { var i = this.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: t.clientX - i.left, y: t.clientY - } }, t.prototype.K = function (t) { var i = this.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: t.touches[0].clientX - i.left, y: t.touches[0].clientY - } }, n.exports = t }).call(t, i(1)) }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; t.exports = { drawPath: function (i, t) { i.beginPath(); var n = t[0], r = t.slice(1); i.moveTo(n.x, n.y), r.forEach(function (t) { i.lineTo(t.x, t.y) }), i.stroke() }, pathStringToCanvas: function (t) { var i = t.split(/(^|\s+)(?=[A-Z])/).filter(function (t) { return " " !== t }), e = [function (t) { return t.beginPath() }]; return i.forEach(function (t) { var i, n = t.split(/\s+/), r = (i = n, Array.isArray(i) ? i : Array.from(i)), o = r[0], s = r.slice(1).map(function (t) { return parseFloat(t) }); "M" === o ? e.push(function (t) { return t.moveTo.apply(t, s) }) : "L" === o ? e.push(function (t) { return t.lineTo.apply(t, s) }) : "C" === o ? e.push(function (t) { return t.bezierCurveTo.apply(t, s) }) : "Q" === o && e.push(function (t) { return t.quadraticCurveTo.apply(t, s) }) }), function (i) { return e.forEach(function (t) { return t(i) }) } } } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var o = n(10), s = n(11), e = n(14), r = n(15), u = n(19), h = n(25), a = n(31), c = n(32), f = n(4), v = n(0), l = v.assign, d = v.callIfExists, p = v.trim, y = v.colorStringToVals, w = { charDataLoader: a, onLoadCharDataError: null, onLoadCharDataSuccess: null, showOutline: !0, showCharacter: !0, renderer: "svg", width: null, height: null, padding: 20, strokeAnimationSpeed: 1, strokeFadeDuration: 400, strokeHighlightDuration: 200, strokeHighlightSpeed: 2, delayBetweenStrokes: 1e3, delayBetweenLoops: 2e3, strokeColor: "#555", radicalColor: null, highlightColor: "#AAF", outlineColor: "#DDD", drawingColor: "#333", leniency: 1, showHintAfterMisses: 3, highlightOnComplete: !0, highlightCompleteColor: null, drawingFadeDuration: 300, drawingWidth: 4, strokeWidth: 2, outlineWidth: 2, rendererOverride: {} }; function g() { if (0 < arguments.length) { var t = void 0, i = {}, n = arguments.length <= 0 ? void 0 : arguments[0]; 1 < arguments.length && (i = "string" == typeof (arguments.length <= 1 ? void 0 : arguments[1]) ? (console.warn("Using new HanziWriter() to set a character is deprecated. Use HanziWriter.create() instead"), t = arguments.length <= 1 ? void 0 : arguments[1], (arguments.length <= 2 ? void 0 : arguments[2]) || {}) : arguments.length <= 1 ? void 0 : arguments[1]), this.N(n, i), t && this.setCharacter(t) } } g.prototype.showCharacter = function () { var t = this, i = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; return this.B.showCharacter = !0, this.G(function () { return"main", t.V, "number" == typeof i.duration ? i.duration : t.B.strokeFadeDuration)).then(function (t) { return d(i.onComplete, t) }) }) }, g.prototype.hideCharacter = function () { var t = this, i = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; return this.B.showCharacter = !1, this.G(function () { return"main", t.V, "number" == typeof i.duration ? i.duration : t.B.strokeFadeDuration)).then(function (t) { return d(i.onComplete, t) }) }) }, g.prototype.animateCharacter = function () { var t = this, i = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; return this.cancelQuiz(), this.G(function () { return"main", t.V, t.B.strokeFadeDuration, t.B.strokeAnimationSpeed, t.B.delayBetweenStrokes)).then(function (t) { return d(i.onComplete, t) }) }) }, g.prototype.animateStroke = function (t) { var i = this, n = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; return this.cancelQuiz(), this.G(function () { return"main", i.V, t, i.B.strokeAnimationSpeed)).then(function (t) { return d(n.onComplete, t) }) }) }, g.prototype.highlightStroke = function (t) { var i = this, n = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; return this.G(function () { return[t], i.B.highlightColor, i.B.strokeHighlightSpeed)).then(function (t) { return d(n.onComplete, t) }) }) }, g.prototype.loopCharacterAnimation = function () { var t = this; 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0]; return this.cancelQuiz(), this.G(function () { return"main", t.V, t.B.strokeFadeDuration, t.B.strokeAnimationSpeed, t.B.delayBetweenStrokes, t.B.delayBetweenLoops), { loop: !0 }) }) }, g.prototype.pauseAnimation = function () { var t = this; return this.G(function () { return t.F.pauseAll() }) }, g.prototype.resumeAnimation = function () { var t = this; return this.G(function () { return t.F.resumeAll() }) }, g.prototype.showOutline = function () { var t = this, i = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; return this.B.showOutline = !0, this.G(function () { return"outline", t.V, "number" == typeof i.duration ? i.duration : t.B.strokeFadeDuration)).then(function (t) { return d(i.onComplete, t) }) }) }, g.prototype.hideOutline = function () { var t = this, i = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; return this.B.showOutline = !1, this.G(function () { return"outline", t.V, "number" == typeof i.duration ? i.duration : t.B.strokeFadeDuration)).then(function (t) { return d(i.onComplete, t) }) }) }, g.prototype.updateColor = function (o, s) { var e = this, u = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}; return this.G(function () { var t = "number" == typeof u.duration ? u.duration : e.B.strokeFadeDuration, i = s; "radicalColor" !== o || s || (i = e.B.strokeColor); var n = y(i); e.B[o] = s; var r = f.updateColor(o, n, t); return "radicalColor" !== o || s || (r = r.concat(f.updateColor(o, null, 0))), (t) { return d(u.onComplete, t) }) }) }, g.prototype.quiz = function () { var t = this, i = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; this.G(function () { t.cancelQuiz(), t.$ = new r(t.V, t.F, t.q), t.$.startQuiz(l({}, t.B, i)) }) }, g.prototype.cancelQuiz = function () { this.$ && (this.$.cancel(), this.$ = null) }, g.prototype.setCharacter = function (n) { var r = this; return this.cancelQuiz(), this.J = n, this.Q && this.Q.destroy(), this.F && this.F.cancelAll(), this.Q = null, this.Z = this.X.loadCharData(n).then(function (t) { if (!r.X.loadingFailed) { r.V = s(n, t), r.q = new e(r.B); var i = new r.Y.HanziWriterRenderer(r.V, r.q); r.Q = i, r.F = new o(r.V, r.B, function (t) { i.render(t) }), r.Q.mount(, r.F.state), r.Q.render(r.F.state) } }), this.Z }, g.prototype.N = function (t, i) { var n = "canvas" === i.renderer ? h : u, r = i.rendererOverride || {}; return this.Y = { HanziWriterRenderer: r.HanziWriterRenderer || n.HanziWriterRenderer, createRenderTarget: r.createRenderTarget || n.createRenderTarget }, = this.Y.createRenderTarget(t, i.width, i.height), this.B =, this.X = new c(this.B),, this.$ = null, this }, = function (t) { var i = l({}, w, t); return t.strokeAnimationDuration && !t.strokeAnimationSpeed && (i.strokeAnimationSpeed = 500 / i.strokeAnimationDuration), t.strokeHighlightDuration && !t.strokeHighlightSpeed && (i.strokeHighlightSpeed = 500 / i.strokeHighlightDuration), t.highlightCompleteColor || (i.highlightCompleteColor = i.highlightColor), this.nt(i) }, g.prototype.nt = function (t) { var i = l({}, t); if (i.width && !i.height) i.height = i.width; else if (i.height && !i.width) i.width = i.height; else if (!i.width && !i.height) { var n =, r = n.width, o = n.height, s = Math.min(r, o); i.width = s, i.height = s } return i }, g.prototype.G = function (t) { var i = this; if (this.X.loadingFailed) throw Error("Failed to load character data. Call setCharacter and try again."); return this.Z.then(function () { if (!i.X.loadingFailed) return t() }) }, = function () { var i = this; (t) { !i.isLoadingCharData && i.$ && (t.preventDefault(), i.rt("startUserStroke", t.getPoint())) }), (t) { !i.isLoadingCharData && i.$ && (t.preventDefault(), i.rt("continueUserStroke", t.getPoint())) }), () { return i.rt("endUserStroke") }) }, g.prototype.rt = function (t) { var i; if (this.$) { for (var n = arguments.length, r = Array(1 < n ? n - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < n; o++)r[o - 1] = arguments[o]; (i = this.$)[t].apply(i, r) } }, g.create = function (t, i) { var n = new g(t, 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}); return n.setCharacter(i), n }; var k = null, m = null; g.loadCharacterData = function (t) { var i = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, n = void 0; return n = k && m === i ? k : new c(l({}, w, i)), m = i, (k = n).loadCharData(t) }, g.getScalingTransform = function (t, i) { var n = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0, r = new e({ width: t, height: i, padding: n }); return { x: r.xOffset, y: r.yOffset, scale: r.scale, transform: p("\n      translate(" + r.xOffset + ", " + (r.height - r.yOffset) + ")\n      scale(" + r.scale + ", " + -1 * r.scale + ")\n    ").replace(/\s+/g, " ") } }, t.exports = g }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(0), o = r.copyAndMergeDeep, s = r.colorStringToVals; function e(t, i, n) { this.ot = n, = [], this.state = { options: { drawingFadeDuration: i.drawingFadeDuration, drawingWidth: i.drawingWidth, drawingColor: s(i.drawingColor), strokeColor: s(i.strokeColor), outlineColor: s(i.outlineColor), radicalColor: s(i.radicalColor || i.strokeColor), highlightColor: s(i.highlightColor) }, character: { main: { opacity: i.showCharacter ? 1 : 0, strokes: {} }, outline: { opacity: i.showOutline ? 1 : 0, strokes: {} }, highlight: { opacity: 1, strokes: {} } }, userStrokes: null }; for (var r = 0; r < t.strokes.length; r++)this.state.character.main.strokes[r] = { opacity: 1, displayPortion: 1 }, this.state.character.outline.strokes[r] = { opacity: 1, displayPortion: 1 }, this.state.character.highlight.strokes[r] = { opacity: 0, displayPortion: 1 } } e.prototype.updateState = function (t) { var i = o(this.state, t); this.ot(i, this.state), this.state = i }, = function (n) { var r = this, o = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, s = (t) { return t.scope }).filter(function (t) { return t }); return this.cancelMutations(s), new Promise(function (t) { var i = { et: !0, ut: 0, I: t, ht: n, at: o.loop, ct: s };, r.ft(i) }) }, e.prototype.ft = function (i) { var t = this; if ( { var n =; if (i.ut >= n.length) { if (! return = !1, = (t) { return t !== i }), void i.I({ canceled: !1 }); i.ut = 0 }[i.ut].run(this).then(function () { && (i.ut++, t.ft(i)) }) } }, e.prototype.vt = function () { return (t) { return[t.ut] }) }, e.prototype.pauseAll = function () { this.vt().forEach(function (t) { return t.pause() }) }, e.prototype.resumeAll = function () { this.vt().forEach(function (t) { return t.resume() }) }, e.prototype.cancelMutations = function (t) { var r = this; (n) { n.ct.forEach(function (i) { t.forEach(function (t) { (0 <= i.indexOf(t) || 0 <= t.indexOf(i)) && }) }) }) }, e.prototype.cancelAll = function () { this.cancelMutations([""]) }, = function (i) { = !1; for (var t = i.ut; t <; t++)[t].cancel(this); i.I && i.I({ canceled: !0 }), = (t) { return t !== i }) }, t.exports = e }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var s = function (t, i) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return t; if (Symbol.iterator in Object(t)) return function (t, i) { var n = [], r = !0, o = !1, s = void 0; try { for (var e, u = t[Symbol.iterator](); !(r = (e = && (n.push(e.value), !i || n.length !== i); r = !0); } catch (t) { o = !0, s = t } finally { try { !r && u.return && u.return() } finally { if (o) throw s } } return n }(t, i); throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance") }, e = n(12), r = n(13), o = function (o) { return (t, i) { var n, r = o.medians[i].map(function (t) { var i = s(t, 2); return { x: i[0], y: i[1] } }); return new e(t, r, i, (n = i, o.radStrokes && 0 <= o.radStrokes.indexOf(n))) }) }; t.exports = function (t, i) { var n = o(i); return new r(t, n) } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(2), o = r.subtract, s = r.distance, e = r.length; function u(t, i, n) { var r = 3 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[3] && arguments[3]; this.path = t, this.points = i, this.strokeNum = n, this.isInRadical = r } u.prototype.getStartingPoint = function () { return this.points[0] }, u.prototype.getEndingPoint = function () { return this.points[this.points.length - 1] }, u.prototype.getLength = function () { return e(this.points) }, u.prototype.getVectors = function () { var n = this.points[0]; return this.points.slice(1).map(function (t) { var i = o(t, n); return n = t, i }) }, u.prototype.getDistance = function (i) { var t = (t) { return s(t, i) }); return Math.min.apply(Math, t) }, u.prototype.getAverageDistance = function (t) { var n = this; return t.reduce(function (t, i) { return t + n.getDistance(i) }, 0) / t.length }, t.exports = u }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; t.exports = function (t, i) { this.symbol = t, this.strokes = i } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var a = [{ x: 0, y: -124 }, { x: 1024, y: 900 }]; function r(t) { this.B = t, this.width = t.width, this.height = t.height, this.dt() } r.prototype.convertExternalPoint = function (t) { return { x: (t.x - this.xOffset) / this.scale, y: (this.height - this.yOffset - t.y) / this.scale } }, r.prototype.dt = function () { var t = a, i = t[1].x - t[0].x, n = t[1].y - t[0].y, r = this.width - 2 * this.B.padding, o = this.height - 2 * this.B.padding, s = r / i, e = o / n; this.scale = Math.min(s, e); var u = this.B.padding + (r - this.scale * i) / 2, h = this.B.padding + (o - this.scale * n) / 2; this.xOffset = -1 * t[0].x * this.scale + u, this.yOffset = -1 * t[0].y * this.scale + h }, t.exports = r }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(16), o = n(17), s = n(0), e = s.callIfExists, u = s.counter, h = n(18), a = n(2), c = n(4), f = function (t) { return { pathString: a.getPathString(t.externalPoints), points: (t) { return a.round(t) }) } }; function v(t, i, n) { this.V = t, this.F = i, = !1, this.q = n } v.prototype.startQuiz = function (t) { = !0, this.B = t, = 0, = 0, this.wt = 0, = [],, t.strokeFadeDuration)) }, v.prototype.startUserStroke = function (t) { var i = this.q.convertExternalPoint(t); if (! return null; if (this.kt) return this.endUserStroke(); var n = u(); this.kt = new o(n, i, t),, i)) }, v.prototype.continueUserStroke = function (t) { if (this.kt) { var i = this.q.convertExternalPoint(t); this.kt.appendPoint(i, t); var n = this.kt.points.slice(0);, n)) } }, v.prototype.endUserStroke = function () { if (this.kt) if (, this.B.drawingFadeDuration)), 1 !== this.kt.points.length) { var t =, i = 0 < this.F.state.character.outline.opacity; r(this.kt, this.V,, { isOutlineVisible: i, leniency: this.B.leniency }) ? : (this.Ct(), >= this.B.showHintAfterMisses &&, this.B.highlightColor, this.B.strokeHighlightSpeed))), this.kt = null } else this.kt = null }, v.prototype.cancel = function () { = !1, this.kt &&, this.B.drawingFadeDuration)) }, = function (t) { e(this.B.onCorrectStroke, { character: this.V.symbol, strokeNum:, mistakesOnStroke:, totalMistakes: this.wt, strokesRemaining: this.V.strokes.length - - 1, drawnPath: f(this.kt) }); var i = c.showStroke("main",, this.B.strokeFadeDuration); += 1, = 0, === this.V.strokes.length && ( = !1, e(this.B.onComplete, { character: this.V.symbol, totalMistakes: this.wt }), this.B.highlightOnComplete && (i = i.concat(h.highlightCompleteChar(this.V, this.B.highlightCompleteColor, 2 * this.B.strokeHighlightDuration)))), }, v.prototype.Ct = function () { += 1, this.wt += 1, e(this.B.onMistake, { character: this.V.symbol, strokeNum:, mistakesOnStroke:, totalMistakes: this.wt, strokesRemaining: this.V.strokes.length -, drawnPath: f(this.kt) }) }, = function () { return this.V.strokes[] }, t.exports = v }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(0), h = r.average, l = r.assign, o = n(2), a = o.cosineSimilarity, d = o.equals, j = o.frechetDist, P = o.distance, c = o.subtract, x = o.normalizeCurve, O = o.rotate, A = o.length, F = function (t, i) { var n, r, o, s = (r = [], o = (n = t)[0], n.slice(1).forEach(function (t) { r.push(c(t, o)), o = t }), r), e = i.getVectors(), u = (i) { var t = (t) { return a(t, i) }); return Math.max.apply(Math, t) }); return 0 < h(u) }, D = [Math.PI / 16, Math.PI / 32, 0, -1 * Math.PI / 32, -1 * Math.PI / 16], p = function (t, i, n) { var r = n.leniency, o = void 0 === r ? 1 : r, s = n.isOutlineVisible, e = void 0 !== s && s, u = i.getAverageDistance(t), h = u <= 350 * (e || 0 < i.strokeNum ? .5 : 1) * o; if (!h) return { isMatch: !1, avgDist: u }; var a, c, f, v, l, d, p, y, w, g, k, m, b = (a = t, f = o, v = P((c = i).getStartingPoint(), a[0]), l = P(c.getEndingPoint(), a[a.length - 1]), v <= 250 * f && l <= 250 * f), C = F(t, i), M = (d = t, p = i.points, y = o, w = x(d), g = x(p), k = 1 / 0, D.forEach(function (t) { var i = j(w, O(g, t)); i < k && (k = i) }), k <= .4 * y), S = (m = i, .35 <= o * (A(t) + 25) / (m.getLength() + 25)); return { isMatch: h && b && C && M && S, avgDist: u } }; t.exports = function (t, i, n) { var r = 3 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : {}, o = function (t) { if (t.length < 2) return t; var i = [t[0]]; return t.slice(1).forEach(function (t) { d(t, i[i.length - 1]) || i.push(t) }), i }(t.points); if (o.length < 2) return null; var s = p(o, i.strokes[n], r); if (!s.isMatch) return !1; for (var e = i.strokes.slice(n + 1), u = s.avgDist, h = 0; h < e.length; h++) { var a = p(o, e[h], r); a.isMatch && a.avgDist < u && (u = a.avgDist) } if (u < s.avgDist) { var c = .6 * (u + s.avgDist) / (2 * s.avgDist), f = (r.leniency || 1) * c, v = l({}, r, { leniency: f }); return p(o, i.strokes[n], v).isMatch } return !0 } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; function r(t, i, n) { = t, this.points = [i], this.externalPoints = [n] } r.prototype.appendPoint = function (t, i) { this.points.push(t), this.externalPoints.push(i) }, t.exports = r }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(5), o = n(4), s = n(0).objRepeat; t.exports = { highlightCompleteChar: function (t, i, n) { return [new r("character.highlight.strokeColor", i)].concat(o.hideCharacter("highlight", t)).concat(o.showCharacter("highlight", t, n / 2)).concat(o.hideCharacter("highlight", t, n / 2)) }, highlightStroke: o.highlightStroke, startQuiz: function (t, i) { return o.hideCharacter("main", t, i).concat([new r("character.highlight", { opacity: 1, strokes: s({ opacity: 0 }, t.strokes.length) }, { force: !0 }), new r("character.main", { opacity: 1, strokes: s({ opacity: 0 }, t.strokes.length) }, { force: !0 })]) }, startUserStroke: function (t, i) { return [new r("quiz.activeUserStrokeId", t, { force: !0 }), new r("userStrokes." + t, { points: [i], opacity: 1 }, { force: !0 })] }, updateUserStroke: function (t, i) { return [new r("userStrokes." + t + ".points", i, { force: !0 })] }, removeUserStroke: function (t, i) { return [new r("userStrokes." + t + ".opacity", 0, { duration: i }), new r("userStrokes." + t, null, { force: !0 })] } } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(20), o = n(24); t.exports = { HanziWriterRenderer: r, createRenderTarget: o.init } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(21), e = n(23), u = n(0).assign, o = n(3); function s(t, i) { this.V = t, this.q = i, this.Mt = new r(t), this.St = new r(t), this.jt = new r(t), this.Pt = {} } s.prototype.mount = function (t) { var i = t.createSubRenderTarget(), n = i.svg; o.attr(n, "transform", "\n    translate(" + this.q.xOffset + ", " + (this.q.height - this.q.yOffset) + ")\n    scale(" + this.q.scale + ", " + -1 * this.q.scale + ")\n  "), this.St.mount(i), this.Mt.mount(i), this.jt.mount(i), this.xt = i }, s.prototype.render = function (r) { var o = this; this.St.render({ opacity: r.character.outline.opacity, strokes: r.character.outline.strokes, strokeColor: r.options.outlineColor }), this.Mt.render({ opacity: r.character.main.opacity, strokes: r.character.main.strokes, strokeColor: r.options.strokeColor, radicalColor: r.options.radicalColor }), this.jt.render({ opacity: r.character.highlight.opacity, strokes: r.character.highlight.strokes, strokeColor: r.options.highlightColor }); var s = r.userStrokes || {}; Object.keys(this.Pt).forEach(function (t) { s[t] || (o.Pt[t].destroy(), delete o.Pt[t]) }), Object.keys(s).forEach(function (t) { if (s[t]) { var i = u({ strokeWidth: r.options.drawingWidth, strokeColor: r.options.drawingColor }, s[t]), n = o.Pt[t]; n || ((n = new e).mount(o.xt, i), o.Pt[t] = n), n.render(i) } }) }, s.prototype.destroy = function () { o.removeElm(this.xt.svg), this.xt.defs.innerHTML = "" }, t.exports = s }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(0).isMsBrowser, o = n(22); function s(t) { this.Ot = {}, this.At = (t) { return new o(t) }) } s.prototype.mount = function (t) { var n = t.createSubRenderTarget(); this.Ft = n.svg, this.At.forEach(function (t, i) { t.mount(n) }) }, s.prototype.render = function (t) { if (t !== this.Ot) { t.opacity !== this.Ot.opacity && ( = t.opacity, r || (0 === t.opacity ? = "none" : 0 === this.Ot.opacity &&"display"))); var i = !this.Ot || t.strokeColor !== this.Ot.strokeColor || t.radicalColor !== this.Ot.radicalColor; if (i || t.strokes !== this.Ot.strokes) for (var n = 0; n < this.At.length; n++)!i && this.Ot.strokes && t.strokes[n] === this.Ot.strokes[n] || this.At[n].render({ strokeColor: t.strokeColor, radicalColor: t.radicalColor, opacity: t.strokes[n].opacity, displayPortion: t.strokes[n].displayPortion }); this.Ot = t } }, t.exports = s }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(0).counter, e = n(3), o = n(2), s = o.extendStart, u = o.getPathString, h = n(6); function a(t) { this.Ot = {}, this.L = t, this.R = t.getLength() + 100 } (a.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype)).mount = function (t) { this.Dt = e.createElm("path"), this.Tt = e.createElm("clipPath"), this.Et = e.createElm("path"); var i = "mask-" + r(); e.attr(this.Tt, "id", i), e.attr(this.Et, "d", this.L.path), = 0, e.attr(this.Dt, "clip-path", e.urlIdRef(i)); var n = s(this.L.points, 100); return e.attr(this.Dt, "d", u(n)), e.attrs(this.Dt, { stroke: "#FFFFFF", "stroke-width": 200, fill: "none", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "miter", "stroke-dasharray": this.R + "," + this.R }), this.Tt.appendChild(this.Et), t.defs.appendChild(this.Tt), t.svg.appendChild(this.Dt), this }, a.prototype.render = function (t) { if (t !== this.Ot) { t.displayPortion !== this.Ot.displayPortion && ( = this.z(t.displayPortion)); var i = this.H(t); if (i !== this.H(this.Ot)) { var n = i.r, r = i.g, o = i.b, s = i.a; e.attrs(this.Dt, { stroke: "rgba(" + n + "," + r + "," + o + "," + s + ")" }) } t.opacity !== this.Ot.opacity && ( = t.opacity), this.Ot = t } }, t.exports = a }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var e = n(3), u = n(2).getPathString; function r() { this.Ot = {} } r.prototype.mount = function (t) { this.It = e.createElm("path"), t.svg.appendChild(this.It) }, r.prototype.render = function (t) { if (t !== this.Ot) { if (t.strokeColor !== this.Ot.strokeColor || t.strokeWidth !== this.Ot.strokeWidth) { var i = t.strokeColor, n = i.r, r = i.g, o = i.b, s = i.a; e.attrs(this.It, { fill: "none", stroke: "rgba(" + n + "," + r + "," + o + "," + s + ")", "stroke-width": t.strokeWidth, "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round" }) } t.opacity !== this.Ot.opacity && e.attr(this.It, "opacity", t.opacity), t.points !== this.Ot.points && e.attr(this.It, "d", u(t.points)), this.Ot = t } }, r.prototype.destroy = function () { e.removeElm(this.It) }, t.exports = r }, function (i, t, r) { "use strict"; (function (u) { var t = r(3), h = t.createElm, a = t.attrs, n = r(7); function c(t, i) { this.svg = t, this.defs = i, this.node = t, this.node.createSVGPoint && (this.Wt = this.node.createSVGPoint()) } (c.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype)).createSubRenderTarget = function () { var t = h("g"); return this.svg.appendChild(t), new c(t, this.defs) }, c.prototype._ = function (t) { if (this.Wt) { this.Wt.x = t.clientX, this.Wt.y = t.clientY; var i = this.Wt.matrixTransform(this.node.getScreenCTM().inverse()); return { x: i.x, y: i.y } } return, t) }, c.prototype.K = function (t) { if (this.Wt) { this.Wt.x = t.touches[0].clientX, this.Wt.y = t.touches[0].clientY; var i = this.Wt.matrixTransform(this.node.getScreenCTM().inverse()); return { x: i.x, y: i.y } } return, t) }, c.init = function (t) { var i = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "100%", n = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : "100%", r = void 0, o = t; if ("string" == typeof t && (o = u.document.getElementById(t)), !o) throw new Error("HanziWriter target element not found: " + t); var s = o.nodeName.toUpperCase(); "SVG" === s || "G" === s ? r = o : (r = h("svg"), o.appendChild(r)), a(r, { width: i, height: n }); var e = h("defs"); return r.appendChild(e), new c(r, e) }, i.exports = c }).call(t, r(1)) }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(26), o = n(30); t.exports = { HanziWriterRenderer: r, createRenderTarget: o.init } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(27), s = n(29), e = n(0).assign; function o(t, i) { this.V = t, this.q = i, this.Mt = new r(t), this.St = new r(t), this.jt = new r(t) } o.prototype.mount = function (t) { this.zt = t }, o.prototype.Rt = function (t) { var i = this.zt.getContext(); i.clearRect(0, 0, this.q.width, this.q.height),, i.translate(this.q.xOffset, this.q.height - this.q.yOffset), i.transform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0), i.scale(this.q.scale, this.q.scale), t(i), i.restore(), i.draw && i.draw() }, o.prototype.render = function (o) { var t = this; this.Rt(function (n) { t.St.render(n, { opacity: o.character.outline.opacity, strokes: o.character.outline.strokes, strokeColor: o.options.outlineColor }), t.Mt.render(n, { opacity: o.character.main.opacity, strokes: o.character.main.strokes, strokeColor: o.options.strokeColor, radicalColor: o.options.radicalColor }), t.jt.render(n, { opacity: o.character.highlight.opacity, strokes: o.character.highlight.strokes, strokeColor: o.options.highlightColor }); var r = o.userStrokes || {}; Object.keys(r).forEach(function (t) { if (r[t]) { var i = e({ strokeWidth: o.options.drawingWidth, strokeColor: o.options.drawingColor }, r[t]); s(n, i) } }) }) }, o.prototype.destroy = function () { }, t.exports = o }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(28); function o(t) { this.At = (t) { return new r(t) }) } o.prototype.render = function (t, i) { if (!(i.opacity < .05)) for (var n = 0; n < this.At.length; n++)this.At[n].render(t, { strokeColor: i.strokeColor, radicalColor: i.radicalColor, opacity: i.strokes[n].opacity * i.opacity, displayPortion: i.strokes[n].displayPortion }) }, t.exports = o }, function (e, t, u) { "use strict"; (function (n) { var r = u(2).extendStart, t = u(8), a = t.drawPath, o = t.pathStringToCanvas, i = u(6); function s(t) { var i = !(1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1]) || arguments[1]; this.L = t, this.R = t.getLength() + 100, i && n.Path2D ? this.Ht = new n.Path2D(this.L.path) : this.Lt = o(this.L.path), this.Ut = r(this.L.points, 100) } (s.prototype = Object.create(i.prototype)).render = function (t, i) { if (!(i.opacity < .05)) {, this.Ht ? t.clip(this.Ht) : (this.Lt(t), t.globalAlpha = 0, t.stroke(), t.clip()); var n = this.H(i), r = n.r, o = n.g, s = n.b, e = n.a, u = 1 === e ? "rgb(" + r + "," + o + "," + s + ")" : "rgb(" + r + "," + o + "," + s + "," + e + ")", h = this.z(i.displayPortion); t.globalAlpha = i.opacity, t.strokeStyle = u, t.fillStyle = u, t.lineWidth = 200, t.lineCap = "round", t.lineJoin = "round", t.setLineDash([this.R, this.R], h), t.lineDashOffset = h, a(t, this.Ut), t.restore() } }, e.exports = s }).call(t, u(1)) }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var u = n(8).drawPath; t.exports = function (t, i) { if (!(i.opacity < .05)) { var n = i.strokeColor, r = n.r, o = n.g, s = n.b, e = n.a;, t.globalAlpha = i.opacity, t.lineWidth = i.strokeWidth, t.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + r + "," + o + "," + s + "," + e + ")", t.lineCap = "round", t.lineJoin = "round", u(t, i.points), t.restore() } } }, function (i, t, n) { "use strict"; (function (s) { var t = n(7); function e(t) { this.node = t } (e.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype)).getContext = function () { return this.node.getContext("2d") }, e.init = function (t) { var i = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "100%", n = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : "100%", r = void 0, o = t; if ("string" == typeof t && (o = s.document.getElementById(t)), !o) throw new Error("HanziWriter target element not found: " + t); return "CANVAS" === o.nodeName.toUpperCase() ? r = o : (r = s.document.createElement("canvas"), o.appendChild(r)), r.setAttribute("width", i), r.setAttribute("height", n), new e(r) }, i.exports = e }).call(t, n(1)) }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; (function (o) { t.exports = function (t, i, n) { var r = new o.XMLHttpRequest; r.overrideMimeType && r.overrideMimeType("application/json"),"GET", url_hanzi + t + ".json", !0), r.onerror = function (t) { n(r, t) }, r.onreadystatechange = function () { 4 === r.readyState && (200 === r.status ? i(JSON.parse(r.responseText)) : 0 !== r.status && n && n(r)) }, r.send(null) } }).call(i, n(1)) }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(0).callIfExists; function o(t) { this._t = 0, this.B = t, this.Kt = !1, this.loadingFailed = !1 } o.prototype.Nt = function (t, i) { var n = this, r = function (t) { i === n._t && n.I(t) }, o = this.B.charDataLoader(t, r, function (t) { i === n._t && n.Bt(t) }); o && r(o) }, o.prototype.Gt = function () { var n = this; return new Promise(function (t, i) { n.I = t, n.Bt = i }).then(function (t) { return n.Kt = !1, r(n.B.onLoadCharDataSuccess, t), t }, function (t) { if (n.Kt = !1, n.loadingFailed = !0, r(n.B.onLoadCharDataError, t), !n.B.onLoadCharDataError) { if (t instanceof Error) throw t; var i = new Error("Failed to load char data for " + n.Vt); throw i.reason = t, i } }) }, o.prototype.loadCharData = function (t) { this.Vt = t; var i = this.Gt(); return this.loadingFailed = !1, this.Kt = !0, this._t++, this.Nt(t, this._t), i }, t.exports = o }]) });
    var charHW = 300 
    var charHeight = charHW;
    var charWidth = charHW;
    var strokeWidth = document.getElementById("stroke-size").value;
    var strokeAfterMisses = document.getElementById("hint-miss").value;

    function btnTapAudio() {
        var audio = new Audio();
        audio.src = "_press.mp3";

    function playAudio() {
        var audioDiv = document.getElementById('audio');
        var audio = audioDiv.getElementsByTagName("*");
        audio[0].tagName == "AUDIO" ? audio[0].play() : audio[0].click();

    document.getElementById("btnPlayAudio").onclick = function () {

    var grid_data = `<svg xmlns='' width='100%' height='100%' class='grid-color'  id='grid-background-target'><g id="char_grid"><line x1='0' y1='0' x2='100%' y2='100%' stroke='var(--surface1)' /><line x1='100%' y1='0' x2='0' y2='100%' stroke='var(--surface1)' /><line x1='50%' y1='0' x2='50%' y2='100%' stroke='var(--surface1)' /><line x1='0' y1='50%' x2='100%' y2='50%' stroke='var(--surface1)' /></g></svg>`;

    var characters = document.getElementById("practice-select").selectedIndex == "0"
        ? "{{Simplified}}"
        : "{{Traditional}}";

    function generateHanziOnFinishQuiz(style = "none", finish = false) {
        var drawGrid = document.getElementById('onfinish-character-target-div');
        drawGrid.innerHTML = ""; = ""; = "absolute"; = "grid";
        var size = 40;
        if (finish) {
            size = 100;
   = "unset";
   = "block";
   = "nowrap";
   = "scroll";

        for (i = 0; i < characters.length; i++) {
            var hanzi = characters[i];
            var span = document.createElement('span');
            span.innerHTML = grid_data;
            span.children[0].id = "onfinish-grid-background-target" + i;
            span.children[0].style.margin = finish ? "6px" : "2px";
   = style;
            var writer = HanziWriter.create("onfinish-grid-background-target" + i, hanzi, {
                width: size,
                height: size,
                padding: 5,
                strokeColor: stroke_color

    document.getElementById("btnReloadQuiz").onclick = function () {

    function doPractice(p = false) {
        if (document.getElementById("back")) {
            generateHanziOnFinishQuiz("unset", true);
            if (!p) {
        } else {

        document.getElementById("ch_load_status").innerHTML = "&#8226;";
        document.getElementById("ch_load_status").style.marginBottom = "0px";
        document.getElementById("ch_load_status").style.display = "block";

        var hanziWriterList = [];
        var drawGrid = document.getElementById('character-target-div');
        drawGrid.innerHTML = "";

        for (i = 0; i < characters.length; i++) {
            var div = document.createElement('div');
   = "div" + i;
            div.innerHTML = grid_data;
            div.children[0].id = "grid-background-target" + i;
            var hanzi = characters[i];
            var writer = HanziWriter.create('grid-background-target' + i, hanzi, {
                onLoadCharDataSuccess: function (data) {
                    document.getElementById("ch_load_status").style.color = "#4caf50";
                onLoadCharDataError: function (reason) {
                    document.getElementById("ch_load_status").style.color = "#ea2322";

                width: charWidth,
                height: charHeight,
                showCharacter: false,
                showOutline: false,
                highlightOnComplete: true,
                highlightCompleteColor: stroke_color,
                drawingWidth: strokeWidth,
                strokeColor: stroke_color,
                outlineColor: outline_color,
                drawingColor: drawing_color,
                showHintAfterMisses: strokeAfterMisses,
                padding: 5


            var revealClickCount = 0;
            document.getElementById("btnGoNextCard").onclick = function () {
                revealClickCount = 0;
                writer = hanziWriterList[getCurrentHanziNum()];

                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 800);

                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 1000);

            document.getElementById("text-outline").onclick = function () {
                document.getElementById("text-outline").checked ?
                    writer.showOutline() : writer.hideOutline();

            document.getElementById("btnRevealChar").onclick = function () {
                writer = hanziWriterList[getCurrentHanziNum()];
                if (revealClickCount == 0) {
                } else if (revealClickCount == 1) {
                } else if (revealClickCount == 2) {
                } else {
                    revealClickCount = -1;

            function writerQuiz(writer) {
                    onComplete: function (summaryData) {

                        setTimeout(function () {
                        }, 1000)

            function getCurrentHanziNum() {
                var characterDiv = document.querySelector('#character-target-div');
                var characterElements = characterDiv.children;
                var len = characterElements.length;
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    var style = characterElements[i].style.display;
                    if (style === 'block' || style === "") {
                        return i;

            function onFinishQuizDrawHanzi() {
                var finishCharacterDiv = document.getElementById('onfinish-character-target-div');
                var characterElements = finishCharacterDiv.children;
                var len = characterElements.length;
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    var style = characterElements[i].style.display;
                    if (style === 'none' || style === "") {
                        characterElements[i].style.display = "unset";

    function setStrokeColor(i) {
        if (Persistence.getItem(frontBack + "text-stroke-color") == "true") {
            var toneColor = getToneColor(charClass[i].className);
            drawing_color = toneColor;
            stroke_color = toneColor;

    function showNextHanzi() {
        var characterDiv = document.querySelector('#character-target-div');
        var characterElements = characterDiv.children;
        var len = characterElements.length;

        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            var style = characterElements[i].style.display;
            if (style === 'block' || style === "") {
                characterElements[i].style.display = 'none';
                characterElements[(i + 1) % characterElements.length].style.display = 'block';
                onFinishQuiz(i, len);

    function onFinishQuiz(i, len) {
        if (i != len - 1) {

        if (i + 1 == len) {
            document.querySelector('#character-target-div').innerHTML = "";
            document.getElementById("ch_load_status").style.display = "none";
            generateHanziOnFinishQuiz("unset", true);

        showHide("#char_sim", true);
        showHide("#char_meaning", true, "block");
        if (document.getElementById("text-pinyin").checked) {
            showHide(".pinyin", true);
        if (document.getElementById("text-zhuyin").checked) {
            showHide(".zhuyin", true);

    function showNextAndRevealBtn(show) {
        showHide("#btnGoNextCard", show);
        showHide("#btnRevealChar", show);

    if (Persistence.isAvailable()) {