krmaxwell / maltrieve

A tool to retrieve malware directly from the source for security researchers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
563 stars 183 forks source link

Getting AttributeError: object has no attribute 'description' #163

Closed jebelingmi closed 9 years ago

jebelingmi commented 9 years ago

External sites see

Processing source URLs Completed source processing Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jeff/maltrieve/", line 352, in main() File "/home/jeff/maltrieve/", line 322, in main malware_urls.update(source_urlsresponse.url) File "/home/jeff/maltrieve/", line 145, in process_xml_list_desc desc = entry.description File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/", line 416, in getattr AttributeError: object has no attribute 'description'

Tried updating feedparser

jeff@ubuntu64:~/maltrieve$ sudo easy_install feedparser Searching for feedparser Best match: feedparser 5.1.3 Processing feedparser-5.1.3-py2.7.egg feedparser 5.1.3 is already the active version in easy-install.pth

Using /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/feedparser-5.1.3-py2.7.egg Processing dependencies for feedparser Finished processing dependencies for feedparser

Running Ubuntu 14.04 April 9th was last day it worked

krmaxwell commented 9 years ago

What version of Maltrieve are you running? And can you paste the output of pip freeze?

jebelingmi commented 9 years ago

How can I tell what version? I made the modification to correct issue with "key error u'http" on whatever version I was running. Going to try downloading latest. Can I just m. sudo git clone ?

CDDB==1.4 Cython==0.22 GnuPGInterface==0.3.2 PAM==0.4.2 Pillow==2.3.0 Twisted-Core==13.2.0 Twisted-Web==13.2.0 apt-xapian-index==0.45 argparse==1.2.1 beautifulsoup4==4.3.2 chardet==2.0.1 colorama==0.2.5 command-not-found==0.3 debtagshw==0.1 defer==1.0.6 dirspec==13.10 feedparser==5.1.3 gevent==1.0.1 greenlet==0.4.5 grequests==0.2.0 html5lib==0.999 httplib2==0.8 lxml==3.3.3 mutagen==1.22 oauthlib==0.6.1 oneconf==0.3.7 pexpect==3.1 piston-mini-client==0.7.5 psutil==1.2.1 pyOpenSSL==0.13 pycrypto==2.6.1 pycups==1.9.66 pygobject==3.12.0 pyserial==2.6 pysmbc== python-apt== python-debian==0.1.21-nmu2ubuntu2 python-magic==0.4.6 pyxdg==0.25 reportlab==3.0 requests==2.2.1 sessioninstaller==0.0.0 six==1.5.2 software-center-aptd-plugins==0.0.0 system-service==0.1.6 unity-lens-photos==1.0 urllib3==1.7.1 wsgiref==0.1.2 zope.interface==4.0.5

jebelingmi commented 9 years ago

Updated to latest version and made the change to remove the key error and working now thanks!

krmaxwell commented 9 years ago

What KeyError were you getting, and what change did you have to make?

jebelingmi commented 9 years ago

Same one listed in the recent bug. Had to change entry for vxvault to