krofna / Warrior-of-Dreamworld-r3

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Is this map size limit reasonable? #5

Open krofna opened 11 years ago

krofna commented 11 years ago

I was thinking of limiting maps to (2^16 / 32)^2 = 2048 tiles So map would be at most 2048 32px tiles wide and 2048 32px tiles high. Is this limit reasonable or for some reason we need more than this?

krofna commented 11 years ago

Meh. I put this limit. Its practical :) WE NEED TO DISCUSS MORE STUFF; IRC NOW!

RaitoBezarius commented 11 years ago

I'm still at school me :DD.

krofna commented 11 years ago


RaitoBezarius commented 11 years ago

There is still two days.

krofna commented 11 years ago

one more day :D

RaitoBezarius commented 11 years ago

Yep :D.

krofna commented 11 years ago

Aaand you can write code now? :D

RaitoBezarius commented 11 years ago

Not much :D. I have final exam (Thursday and Friday), and prog contest (the next weekend) After that, I think that I can. Besides, from 4 to 8 July, I will be at Japan Expo, I WANNA SEE THE WRITER OF SAO __ And... Have some fun with my friends and my girlfriend ! ^^ SORRY. BUT I PROMISE YOU. AFTER ALL THAT. I'LL CODE LIKE A GOD.

krofna commented 11 years ago


RaitoBezarius commented 11 years ago

Excuse me. Sir. But... It works. Config Loading works as it should. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT. PATHFINDER IS MAKING SERVER CRASH AT GRID::RESIZE. Give me your backtrace. I give you mine. Backtrace :

#6  0x00007ffff6de0627 in std::__throw_length_error(char const*) () from /usr/lib/
#7  0x0000000000559f14 in std::vector<Node*, std::allocator<Node*> >::_M_check_len (this=0x7c9500, __n=18446744073709420545, __s=0x57af11 "vector::_M_fill_insert") at /usr/include/c++/4.8.1/bits/stl_vector.h:1339
#8  0x000000000055ddd9 in std::vector<Node*, std::allocator<Node*> >::_M_fill_insert (this=0x7c9500, __position=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x0>, __n=18446744073709420545, __x=@0x7fffffffe518: 0x0)
    at /usr/include/c++/4.8.1/bits/vector.tcc:481
#9  0x000000000055d56e in std::vector<Node*, std::allocator<Node*> >::insert (this=0x7c9500, __position=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x0>, __n=18446744073709420545, __x=@0x7fffffffe518: 0x0)
    at /usr/include/c++/4.8.1/bits/stl_vector.h:1024
#10 0x000000000055c9eb in std::vector<Node*, std::allocator<Node*> >::resize (this=0x7c9500, __new_size=18446744073709420545, __x=@0x7fffffffe518: 0x0) at /usr/include/c++/4.8.1/bits/stl_vector.h:687
#11 0x000000000055c13f in Grid<Node>::Resize (this=0x7c94f8, x=65535, y=65535) at /home/raito/Developpement/Warrior-of-Dreamworld-r3/Build/../Shared/Grid.hpp:69
#12 0x000000000055bad1 in Grid<Node>::Allocate (this=0x7c94f8, x=65535, y=65535) at /home/raito/Developpement/Warrior-of-Dreamworld-r3/Build/../Shared/Grid.hpp:75
#13 0x000000000055ac00 in Pathfinder::Pathfinder (this=0x7c9470) at /home/raito/Developpement/Warrior-of-Dreamworld-r3/Server/AI/Pathfinder.cpp:40
#14 0x0000000000536f87 in Singleton<Pathfinder>::CreateInstance<>() () at /home/raito/Developpement/Warrior-of-Dreamworld-r3/Build/../Shared/Singleton.hpp:40
#15 0x0000000000534fd9 in World::World (this=0x7c8fc0) at /home/raito/Developpement/Warrior-of-Dreamworld-r3/Server/World/World.cpp:46
#16 0x0000000000543c3d in Singleton<World>::CreateInstance<>() () at /home/raito/Developpement/Warrior-of-Dreamworld-r3/Build/../Shared/Singleton.hpp:40
#17 0x000000000053ca7a in Main::Main (this=0x7c8e00, r_io=...) at /home/raito/Developpement/Warrior-of-Dreamworld-r3/Server/World/Main.cpp:30
#18 0x000000000054458c in Singleton<Main>::CreateInstance<boost::asio::io_service&> () at /home/raito/Developpement/Warrior-of-Dreamworld-r3/Build/../Shared/Singleton.hpp:40
#19 0x000000000053d63a in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe828) at /home/raito/Developpement/Warrior-of-Dreamworld-r3/Server/World/Main.cpp:127
krofna commented 11 years ago

I will look into it when I'm on my computer.. But config didn't work for me! Maybe I forgot to update it... Looks like I'm allocating a bit too much memory for pathfinder (Roughly 4GB according to backtrace... Do you have that much ? :D) My bad :(

krofna commented 11 years ago

wod-dev whenever you can

krofna commented 11 years ago

Something else is eating RAM and its NOT pathfinder (I reduced perfection of pathfinder)

krofna commented 11 years ago

Help :P

krofna commented 11 years ago

wod-dev sometimes?

RaitoBezarius commented 11 years ago

I was in Japan Expo ! "Besides, from 4 to 8 July, I will be at Japan Expo, I WANNA SEE THE WRITER OF SAO" I GET MY FIRST KISS 8DDDDDDDDDDD I M HAPPY AND READY TO WORK.

krofna commented 11 years ago