Hello, I'm trying to run MiST. First I ran the test and it worked fine, but later with my samples it's showing this error. I tried a couple of things and nothing seems to work, also I couldn't replicate the same error with the test.
Does anyone have any suggestions of why this is happening?
Error in if (length(baits_to_exclude) == 0 & sum(rowSums(abundance)) > :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Calls: main ... mist.main -> mist.getMetrics -> mist.getSpecificity
Execution halted
I'm having the same issue. My guess is the code. Since the code dates from 6 to 8 years back, it is not compatible with recent package versions anymore.
Hello, I'm trying to run MiST. First I ran the test and it worked fine, but later with my samples it's showing this error. I tried a couple of things and nothing seems to work, also I couldn't replicate the same error with the test. Does anyone have any suggestions of why this is happening?