kroma-network / go-ethereum

go-ethereum for Kroma
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[ZKTRIE-003] `MerkleTree.Delete` can incorrectly update the root node if removing a leaf at level 1. #82

Closed this-is-chainlight closed 8 months ago

this-is-chainlight commented 8 months ago


MerkleTree.Delete can incorrectly update the root node if removing a leaf at level 1.


MerkleTree.Delete can incorrectly update the root node if removing a leaf at level 1. If a LeafNode at level 1 is deleted, its sibling is being promoted to the root node. This behavior is incorrect when the sibling is a ParentNode, as it changes the path prefix of all nodes below the promoted ParentNode. Instead, the deleted LeafNode should be replaced by an EmptyNode.



  1. Some value on the state db can be removed.
  2. So that it can miscalculate the state root hash, and it leads to the fork.


diff --git a/trie/zk/merkle_tree.go b/trie/zk/merkle_tree.go
index 3ea84c98c..5c3cbd38b 100644
--- a/trie/zk/merkle_tree.go
+++ b/trie/zk/merkle_tree.go
@@ -275,10 +275,6 @@ func (t *MerkleTree) rmAndUpload(path TreePath, pathNodes []*ParentNode) {
        switch len(pathNodes) {
        case 0: // The leaf node you want to remove is root node.
                t.rootNode = EmptyNodeValue
-       case 1:
-               // root (ParentNode) --- LeafNode or ParentNode (promoted to root node)
-               //                    |- LeafNode (deleted)
-               t.rootNode = t.getChild(pathNodes[0], path.GetOther(0))
                lastSibling := t.getChild(pathNodes[len(pathNodes)-1], path.GetOther(len(pathNodes)-1))


