kronbichler / exwave

ExWave: A high performance solver for the acoustic wave equation
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ExWave for Room Acoustics #2

Open schmiph2 opened 4 years ago

schmiph2 commented 4 years ago

Hi ExWave-Team

I'm interested in efficiently simulating room acoustics and it seems that your solver is perfectly suited for this. Both efficient and accurate. It would be nice if you could provide a toy example of how to simulate a shoe-boxed room with one source and one receiver. If you do not have the time the create such an example, could you provide the urban acoustics example of your paper "ExWave: A high performance discontinuous Galerkin solver for the acoustic wave equation" ?

Thank you in advance

kronbichler commented 4 years ago

I will dig out the example from the paper soon - it takes a bit of time these days due to so many other things that need to be resolved, give me 1-2 more weeks.

schmiph2 commented 4 years ago

This is just a friendly reminder to dig out the paper example. Thank you very much!