kronos-et-al / MensaApp

Application for communication and collective exchange of menu information in university catering facilities
MIT License
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Add aversion functionality that mirrors favorite functionality #162

Open brodmo opened 3 months ago

brodmo commented 3 months ago

Sometimes, I take meals that I'd had before and didn't like because I forgot about that. I'm not learning from my mistakes, so to say. The solution for this could be the opposite of the current favorite functionility, aversion functionality. Where I can note to myself that I've had this before and didn't like it. The icon would be a warning triangle next to the heart for favorites. In the menu view, there would be a red border around meals I've marked as aversions instead of the green favorites border. In the filter, there would be an option to hide aversions. What I currently do is give such meals a bad rating. But this doesn't really work since my own rating isn't displayed prominently. Really, the justification for this system is the same as for the favorites system, sometimes I just want to make a note to myself and then use that for filtering. I would be open to implementing this, since it's basically the same as the favorites functionality this shouldn't be too much work.

worldofjoni commented 3 months ago

That sounds like a great feature! It might be possible to just highlight meals with a bad own rating (1 star). This information should be available on the client. That might also be a more elegant solution to favorites, as they currently are stored only locally and have created some problems in the past. One reason to justify favorites being handled differently is that there is an additional screen showing a summary of all favorites, something that might not be as relevant for "aversions" IMO.

I would love to see your attempt on this. If you need any help, feel free to ask!