I am a fan of lesserwrong from malaysia, and I am a blind reader.
I really love your site and design which is very accessible and user
friendly with inclusive design. Thank you for all the good work,
However, I find an issue when reading your site with my screenreader.
I am using jaws V2020
It occurs for all published post.
When I go into post areas, all the content including the title, are
having an unknown unreadable extra character. For example
Diseased thinking: dissolving questions about disease
This makes my screenreader to say things in a very weird way and it
renders the site unreadable for me.
Dear greaterWrong,
I am a fan of lesserwrong from malaysia, and I am a blind reader.
I really love your site and design which is very accessible and user friendly with inclusive design. Thank you for all the good work,
However, I find an issue when reading your site with my screenreader.
I am using jaws V2020 It occurs for all published post. When I go into post areas, all the content including the title, are having an unknown unreadable extra character. For example Diseased thinking: dissolving questions about disease
This makes my screenreader to say things in a very weird way and it renders the site unreadable for me.
kindly fixt this issue, thanks