krose / wattsight

An R wrapper for the MKonline API.
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There's a problem, parsing the data on the imbalance market in Germany #2

Open krose opened 8 years ago

krose commented 8 years ago

Find out how to parse the data or if it's an error on MKOnline, since these are the only ones failing.

  access         category                                        filename areaname                key  area
   (chr)            (chr)                                           (chr)    (chr)              (chr) (chr)
1   true Imbalance market                                Balancing Energy  Germany              CR_BE    de
2   true Imbalance market                      Balancing Energy (history)  Germany         CR_BE_LONG    de
3   true Imbalance market                  Balancing/IGCC realized prices  Germany      CR_BE_REAL_PR    de
4   true Imbalance market                   Minutes Reserve - Activations  Germany  CR_MR_ACTIVATIONS    de
5   true Imbalance market           Minutes Reserve - Max capacity prices  Germany  CR_MR_MAX_CAP_PRI    de
6   true Imbalance market                   Minutes Reserve - Merit Order  Germany   CR_MR_MERITORDER    de
7   true Imbalance market         Secondary control reserve - Activations  Germany CR_SCR_ACTIVATIONS    de
8   true Imbalance market Secondary control reserve - Max capacity prices  Germany CR_SCR_MAX_CAP_PRI    de
9   true Imbalance market         Secondary control reserve - Merit Order  Germany  CR_SCR_MERITORDER    de
krose commented 8 years ago

The following files doesn't parse either:

I ran your code for all our data center files. It worked for all files except the ones that are provided by our partners.

Perret Associates:
"Key COA_INV_PERRET_M_S : Area ara"
"Key COA_INV_PERRET_W_S : Area ara"
"Key COA_RPL_COST_PERRET_D_S : Area ara"

"Key CR_MR_MAX_CAP_PRI : Area de"
"Key CR_MR_MERITORDER : Area de"
"Key CR_SCR_MAX_CAP_PRI : Area de"