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Add homepage hero and new base font style #21

Closed insectengine closed 6 months ago

insectengine commented 6 months ago

Some suggestions for the home page to create a simple graphic hero. Also replaced the base font with the suggested "Questrial" font.

insectengine commented 6 months ago

@k-wall - Thoughts on this PR?

k-wall commented 6 months ago

@insectengine, I don't tend to review PRs marked as draft, as I assume that the authors are still working on them and more commits wil come. If you rebase the PR, I'll take a look.

k-wall commented 6 months ago

@insectengine I really like the graphic hero idea. Font looks nice too.

The tag line "Focus on the logic, not minutae." is great for pulling the reader in, but the words aren't quite right (i know that's not the point of the PR). It needs to shout out the big overarching idea behind Kroxylicious. Why it matters. We need a pithy line that gets across that Kroxy can be used to introduce order/control into a Kafka system without having to rewrite everything. @SamBarker @gracegrimwood @tombentley @robobario WDYT?

insectengine commented 6 months ago

@k-wall - I put that headline in as mainly a rough placeholder (alternative was "Cool headline goes here"). I was expecting it to be replaced. ;)

k-wall commented 6 months ago

"Layer behaviours into your Kafka system without changing a line of application code".

We'd need a subtitle to elaborate on "behaviours".

"Encryption at rest, policy enforcement, audit and much more..."

SamBarker commented 6 months ago

"Layer behaviours into your Kafka system without changing a line of application code".

We'd need a subtitle to elaborate on "behaviours".

"Encryption at rest, policy enforcement, audit and much more..."

I like the idea of a subtitle and this one seems to fit but I'm not so sure about the strap line.


Kroxylicious transparently injecting behaviour into your Apache Kafka cluster

k-wall commented 6 months ago

"Kroxylicious transparently injecting behaviour into your Apache Kafka cluster" +1

with the subtitle, my idea is to get across kroxylicious's potential by mentioning use-cases, but I don't want to sell things we don't have. We've got something in the encryption and policy enforcement spaces. Audit is vapourware.

SamBarker commented 6 months ago

Should we separate out the font change while we iterate on the strap/tag line for the hero?

k-wall commented 6 months ago

how about:

"Kroxylicious transparently inject behaviour into your Apache Kafka cluster" "solutions to cross-cutting concerns in areas including security, policy-enforcement, audit and much more"

k-wall commented 6 months ago

@insectengine we are thinking we a second line of text in a smaller font beneath the h1 to aid understanding. Would you be able to update the markup to accommodate?