krschultz / android-proguard-snippets

Proguard configurations for common Android libraries
Apache License 2.0
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Update multiple proguard files import #137

Open marsicdev opened 7 years ago

marsicdev commented 7 years ago

Updates documentation how multiple proguard files can be included in a cleaner way and configured for all build types and flavors.

enginebai commented 7 years ago

When using this, an error occurred when gradle sync. (the same error #138)

2016-11-23 2 28 18
marsicdev commented 7 years ago

@enginebai this is known bug for latest android gradle plugin v2.2.2 because of some changes in the api. I updated pull request. You can use the following syntax to fix this:

proguardFiles fileTree(include: ['*.pro'], dir: 'proguard').asList().toArray()

Make sure that your proguard folder is in you application module root directory next to src folder and .gradle file