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Add Metrics Logging for Kruize Recommendations #1206

Closed msvinaykumar closed 1 week ago

msvinaykumar commented 1 month ago

Pull Request Description: Add Metrics Logging for Kruize Recommendations


This pull request introduces the KruizeNotificationCollectionRegistry class, which is responsible for logging and creating metrics for notifications related to Kruize recommendations. The class processes recommendation notifications at various levels (container, timestamp, term, and model) and creates appropriate counters using Micrometer.

Key Features

Detailed Description

  1. Class KruizeNotificationCollectionRegistry:

    • This class is introduced to streamline the process of logging recommendation notifications and creating metrics.
    • It holds information about the experiment name, interval end time, and container name, which are essential for tagging metrics.
  2. Constructor:

    • Initializes the object with necessary parameters: experiment_name, interval_end_time, and container_name.
  3. Method logNotification:

    • Accepts a ContainerData object as input.
    • Iterates through the nested structure of recommendations within the ContainerData.
    • For each level (container, timestamp, term, model), it collects notifications and calls createCounterTag.
  4. Method createCounterTag:

    • Accepts parameters such as level, term, model, and a collection of RecommendationNotification objects.
    • Checks if the notification type is configured to be logged based on KruizeDeploymentInfo.log_recommendation_metrics_level.
    • Creates additional tags using the provided information and formats them according to KruizeConstants.KRUIZE_RECOMMENDATION_METRICS.
    • Finds or creates a counter for the metric and increments it.




Related Issues

Please review the changes and provide feedback. Your input is valuable to ensure that this feature integrates seamlessly and functions as expected.

test Image :

msvinaykumar commented 3 weeks ago

Would be good to include the overhead of the notifications in updateRecommendations API with a scalability run.

I agree , @chandrams we might need short scalability run for this... But please ensure each experiment creating at least one error or critical notifications.

msvinaykumar commented 3 weeks ago

@chandrams this sample results json create some error notifications

chandrams commented 1 week ago

@msvinaykumar - Updated the kruize metrics script to capture the notifications and I have triggered a short scalability run with the new image that you provided - and the results json that you shared.

chandrams commented 1 week ago

@msvinaykumar - The scalability 5k / 15 days run took 3 hrs 16 mins which is lesser than the scale test run on the same cluster with 0.0.22_mvp which was 3 hrs 50 mins. Does your build contain all the latest changes along with this PR?

Summary of the test run
exp_count / results_count / reco_count = 5000 / 7200000 / 300000
Postgres DB size in MB = 21767
Results count - 7200000
Update Reco Latency Max / Avg value: 0.61 / 0.39
Update Results Latency Max / Avg value: 0.13 / 0.11
LoadResultsByExpName Latency Max / Avg value: 0.2 / 0.16
Generate Plots Latency Max / Avg value: 0.0 / 0.0
Kruize memory Max value: 33.11 GB
Kruize cpu Max value: 6.92
Execution time - 03:15:30

The logs have these errors

scaletest250-2.log:psql: error: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: FATAL:  sorry, too many clients already
scaletest250-2.log:AN ERROR OCCURED: too many values to unpack (expected 2)

Summary of the test run with 0.0.23_mvp on the same cluster

Summary of the test run
exp_count / results_count / reco_count = 5000 / 7200000 / 300000
Postgres DB size in MB = 21760
python3 -d /home/jenkins/kruize_scale_test_results_0.0.23_mvp_5k_15days/remote-monitoring-scale-test-202406262204/results -r 7200000
Directory path - /home/jenkins/kruize_scale_test_results_0.0.23_mvp_5k_15days/remote-monitoring-scale-test-202406262204/results
Results count - 7200000
Update Reco Latency Max / Avg value: 0.63 / 0.39
Update Results Latency Max / Avg value: 0.24 / 0.17
LoadResultsByExpName Latency Max / Avg value: 0.35 / 0.25
Generate Plots Latency Max / Avg value: 0.0 / 0.0
Kruize memory Max value: 32.59 GB
Kruize cpu Max value: 4.52
Execution time - 03:51:01
msvinaykumar commented 1 week ago

@chandrams can you please confirm kruizeRecommendation_total counts

msvinaykumar commented 1 week ago

This error occurs when the PostgreSQL server has reached the maximum number of allowed client connections. we can increase the max_connections setting in your PostgreSQL configuration or optimize your application to use fewer connections. But however we can ignore this error bcoz there is no data a loss exp_count / results_count / reco_count = 5000 / 7200000 / 300000 we can consider this as warning

msvinaykumar commented 1 week ago

Build is having this PR change and please confirm we have generated enough KruizeRecommendations metrics

chandrams commented 1 week ago


@msvinaykumar - You can check the last column in this spreadsheet, was expecting values to be present for all entries but it stopped after a while.

msvinaykumar commented 1 week ago


@msvinaykumar - You can check the last column in this spreadsheet, was expecting values to be present for all entries but it stopped after a while.

This looks good. The count is over 500k, so the idea is to generate more notifications without impacting execution time. Based on the results, performance is unaffected, so we're good to proceed. We also have a flag to disable it just in case any issues arise.