krunkske / TF2QP

A program that will search between selected TF2 community servers
MIT License
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Couple of Suggestions #1

Open H20Gamez opened 3 weeks ago

H20Gamez commented 3 weeks ago

Many people I know have discussed inside the reddit posts, but I saw this through friends of mine since this idea has been tossed around for years and it took Shounic's video for someone to actually start work on something like this. I know that one of the Uncletopia devs is also working on something similar.

I think this program so far is good, but I have a some quick things that I think would make it better overall.

First, more servers being added. I think skial being in is honestly not the best since most people dislike and their servers honestly struggle performance wise for a lot of people. But I think there is a large list of servers that are good; they just dont get people. People have made compilations like this: I think a good plan is to have others reach out about server additions and just have them added into the large list. My community of friends have a server that fits this type of thing extremely well and a submission type of idea would be good so that communities that aren't ad filled trash can get players like old quickplay.

Second, and honestly the biggest thing; have the program go into a database of queuing to have multiple players join an empty server at once. I think that the current problem is having players just be queued into empty servers. This isn't good if you continue to work on this project and it actually becomes large. I think having the queuing system get you into games that already have players but also be able to fill servers up that wouldn't would get a lot of server owners interested more in the project.

I think this is really interesting. I know python so maybe I'll make some contribution sometime even if its more server listings like you have. Excited to see where this goes!

krunkske commented 3 weeks ago

First of all, Thank you for the suggestions. I really appreciate it.

To start, I added almost all of the servers from the Google docs into the "database" (it's just a jsonf file so). Also, I have moved the skial servers to the bottom of the list so they kinda get chosen as a last ditch effort. For now, opening an issue will do for submitting new servers to be added.

Secondly, the idea of multiple people queueing up at the same time for the same server can be done but there are some features and things that get priority fist like a blacklist/favorites and more customization options. However, The program is designed to put you in a already populated server and only puts you in an empty one if there is no good one available. You can customize this in the settings menu.

Please, if you can, make some contributions however you like. Be that in adding more servers, spreading awareness or adding stuff to the code. Do note that I'm looking into moving away from python due to the fact that it is a b*tch to distribute. If you know of any better frameworks that work on windows and Linux or on the web, please tell me.

Again, thank you for the ideas and have a nice day!