krunkske / TF2QP

A program that will search between selected TF2 community servers
MIT License
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qtland Match servers -- hello! #3

Open coredesu opened 3 weeks ago

coredesu commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, qtland dev here. i saw this project and i :+1: projects that aim for players to quickplay into a community server. The only problem for our servers is that bot hosters saw our servers and been trying to crash them with DoS/DDoS but mostly DoS and thats why u see a lower count of servers online.

krunkske commented 3 weeks ago

Could you elaborate a bit more? I don't seem to get it fully.

coredesu commented 3 weeks ago

Could you elaborate a bit more? I don't seem to get it fully.

A bot hosting group knows our servers and seems to launching a constant UDP flood on our servers to disrupt communication between steam and our matchmaker. The protection that our servers has doesnt pick up on this and allows those to happen.

Once the disruption went through the servers are stuck in a state where Matchmaker trying to continuously destroy the lobby but fails and attempts later gives up and tries to shut down the server.

krunkske commented 3 weeks ago

Okay. That's not very nice. One question though, How does this relate to this program/repo?

coredesu commented 3 weeks ago

Okay. That's not very nice. One question though, How does this relate to this program/repo?

The initial question was to get our servers to the program.

krunkske commented 3 weeks ago

Oh perfect! If I want to add them, I need the IP address (not a URL!), port, region that the server is in (USA, EU, Asia, aus...) and what type of server (casual, RTD, 100 player...) . Could you provide those to me?

coredesu commented 3 weeks ago

Oh perfect! If I want to add them, I need the IP address (not a URL!), port, region that the server is in (USA, EU, Asia, aus...) and what type of server (casual, RTD, 100 player...) . Could you provide those to me?

qtland is a Casual Alternative that is 99% feature complete. That means: Matchmaking votekick, prerounds, pregame, game ends, and casual map voting and a very basic Matchmaker. Everything that exists in a Valve Matchmaking server exists in our servers.

Our server IP address list isn't complete, and is a approximate list. We are in a process of swapping servers to other regions and taking away servers which doesn't have much players and has no much player activity.

== Asia (Singapore) ==

== US (Virginia / Los Angeles / Montreal, Canada) ==

== South America (São Paulo, Brazil) ==

== EU (Dnipro/Frankfurt) ==
krunkske commented 3 weeks ago

Perfect. I will add all these severs tomorrow to the casual list. One last question: what name do you want your severs to have? Just qt and good or anything special?

coredesu commented 3 weeks ago

Perfect. I will add all these severs tomorrow to the casual list. One last question: what name do you want your severs to have? Just qt and good or anything special?

qtland is perfect.