kruton / tinyfugue

Tinyfugue MUD client (tf) with UTF-8 patches for Unicode MUDs.
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Issue with unicode and backspace #5

Open ashak opened 12 years ago

ashak commented 12 years ago


Another issue i've come across.

Image at:

The first time I typed '.bigg test' was what made the talker talk to myself.

The second time I typed '.bigg £test'

This caused some issues with the talker, but as you can see from the third line, my history suggests that my input contained an unprintable character. This suggests to me that backspace over unicode characters isn't quite working as expected? The character is being removed from the screen, but perhaps some of the bytes of the character still exist in the input?


olethrosdc commented 7 years ago

Yeah, this problem exists, at least on linux.

warmstarter commented 3 years ago

Not sure if either of you are still reading this, but I found a way to reliably cause this bug to crash TF either locally or remotely. There are three versions of TF with a UTF8 patch, and one of them is not vulnerable. Working to get them to submit a pull request as this is their upstream, and if not I'll handle it. The other unrelated TF branch I created a patch for based on the good TF and submitted a pull request yestrday.

warmstarter commented 3 years ago

Backspace can send ^H or ^? and if you can configure your client to send ^H tinyfugue behaves much better.

warmstarter commented 3 years ago

Just added some changes that might help somewhat with this. In addition, I've found configuring my terminal to send ^H instead of ^? fixes a fair amount of issues with non-ASCII characters.

The issue has to do with the fact that UTF8 characters can be made-up of multiple bytes. It's something where most computer programs and languages get something wrong with the implementation. Working on getting it as good as I can.