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DEPRECATED A dev tool for SSH auth + Git commit/tag signing using a key stored in Krypton.
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"unknown" and unverified email addresses associated with pgp key #259

Open mamachanko opened 5 years ago

mamachanko commented 5 years ago

Hi, after having successfully configured codesign I see unknown (to me) and unverified email addresses associated with my public key. I can not recall having ever configured and for either Github, Krypt or any other system could be remotely related to what's involved here.

screen shot 2019-03-07 at 20 56 30

My ~/.gitconfig looks innocent as well:

# This is Git's per-user configuration file.
    name = mamachanko
    email = <my actual, verified email address>
    name = mamachanko
    program = /usr/local/bin/krgpg
    forceSignAnnotated = true
    gpgSign = true

What am I missing? Thank you!

pjgoodall commented 2 years ago

The same has happened to me today. There are no gitconfig files containing the extra two spurious emails on my workstation. I am on Ubuntu 20.04, gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.19