kryptco / kr

DEPRECATED A dev tool for SSH auth + Git commit/tag signing using a key stored in Krypton.
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Tracking unexpected access attempts #263

Closed cro closed 5 years ago

cro commented 5 years ago


Since I upgraded to 2.4.13 (which doesn't appear to have a release on the GitHub repo?) I've noticed many attempted logins to my GitHub account. I have an Apple Watch so they are pretty obvious to me. I have been getting them even when I am not at my computer--this morning alone my watch showed over 20 before I even started work. How can I track down where these are coming from?

cro commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I was not clear--I mean SSH logins to access code repositories, not 2FA logins to the GitHub website.

agrinman commented 5 years ago

check your code editors: visual studio, IntelliJ, pycharm, etc. I believe there was a recent release that added periodic git fetches to one or more of these editors.

cro commented 5 years ago

Ah! That was it. PyCharm is the culprit. Thank you.