kryptco / kr

DEPRECATED A dev tool for SSH auth + Git commit/tag signing using a key stored in Krypton.
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Possible to remove the timeout? #279

Open asmeurer opened 5 years ago

asmeurer commented 5 years ago

For commit signing with gpg, I would prefer if it didn't have a timeout. It sometimes fails, and since I don't have a local gpg key, it means the code doesn't get committed. I often run a commit then switch to something else, only to discover much later that it failed. Often I don't even notice the fail message. I would prefer if it just hung. That way at least I would notice that it isn't working. It would also be nice if there were some way to force a retry without having to retype the commit message, but that's likely a separate issue.

FernandoMiguel commented 5 years ago

Why sign with gpg if it doesn't seem important to you? Just disable it then and don't worry

asmeurer commented 5 years ago

Not sure how I implied that it isn't important to me. I wouldn't have enabled it if I didn't want it.