kryptco / kr

DEPRECATED A dev tool for SSH auth + Git commit/tag signing using a key stored in Krypton.
1.59k stars 109 forks source link

iOS support #284

Open feld opened 4 years ago

feld commented 4 years ago

I know this is beyond the scope of this specific project, but I'd love if there was some app for iOS that lets you pair with your phone, for example, and then give you an SSH client so I could use my iPad+keyboard as a lightweight client for emergency access to my systems when I'm traveling. I don't like lugging around my laptop if I don't have to, and there's currently no way to access the SSH private key from or my Yubikey with iOS.


L1Cafe commented 4 years ago

What I personally do for emergency access to my systems is that I have set up a kind of "gateway server", hosted outside my infrastructure, with Vultr. This server not only has that purpose; it also serves status pages and other things, but the point is that I can sign into that server with an SSH iPad application, and from that server, I'm able to sign in to anywhere I want using the kr command-line client for Linux.

Another alternative is using a-Shell, I believe you should be able to run standard Unix commands like ssh-keygen, and just good-old SSH into servers with your keys (although not with the Krypton public key).

This is probably necroposting, considering this reply comes ~11 months old, but, did you find a workaround to your issue you'd like to share?