kryptco / kr

DEPRECATED A dev tool for SSH auth + Git commit/tag signing using a key stored in Krypton.
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kr auth with Forklift or CloudMounter #292

Open brandonkal opened 4 years ago

brandonkal commented 4 years ago

These macOS GUI apps expect to handle auth themselves and take a key file as an argument. Naturally this doesn't work as that file is not available on the Mac when using kr for ssh auth. Is there a workaround for these cases?

brandonkal commented 4 years ago

Forklift appears to be able to use the agent, but the terminal starts filling with some escape strings

Unrecognized command from tmux. Did your ssh session die? The command was:
Krypton ▶ Requesting SSH authentication from phone
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
Krypton ▶ Phone approval required. Respond using the Krypton app
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
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%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[6;11H\033(B\033[m\033[38;5;214;40m6\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[10;93H\033(B\033[m\033[30;48;5;117m\033[1m6\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l
%output %3 \033[?25l\033[?25l

This continues to print forever.

CloudMounter appears to only function when given a working private key.