kryptco / kr

DEPRECATED A dev tool for SSH auth + Git commit/tag signing using a key stored in Krypton.
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kr copy gives a new public key #309

Closed nicolaevladescu closed 4 years ago

nicolaevladescu commented 4 years ago

I recently tried to access a machine i setup 4 months ago and the public key was denied.

The machine is a vm in digitalocean, the public key is set in my profile and was added to root's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys by digitalocean on vm provisioning. I was able to successfully login after the initial provisioning and the machine was added to "Known Hosts" tab on the iOS app.

I checked the fingerprint in my profile and it's the same as github and gitlab, services where i push and pull daily, and never had any issues issue.

I compared the public key from kr copy with what was on the machine in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and the public key was different.

Am i missing something? I only did iOS updates, never uninstalled/reinstalled

nicolaevladescu commented 4 years ago

Nevermind, it was a copy paste typo. Sorry.