kryptco / kr

DEPRECATED A dev tool for SSH auth + Git commit/tag signing using a key stored in Krypton.
1.59k stars 109 forks source link

Project status #310

Closed cro closed 3 years ago

cro commented 4 years ago

Sorry to abuse the issue tracker but I don't know where else to ask this question. Can someone knowledgeable comment on the status and future of Krypton? It is a fantastic tool, as an end user I would pay money for it. Since the Akamai acquisition there doesn't appear to be a lot of activity in the repo. After the acquisition I switched back from Krypton to my Yubikey for ssh and gpg signing, then yesterday my Yubikey stopped working and I was locked out of my company Amazon account so I took another look at the project. I was encouraged to see KryptonDesktop for Safari support had arrived. Any word?

tiernano commented 3 years ago

yea. wondering this myself... its a year since any code has been checked into the repo... radio silence from the devs... the site, weirdly for a company owned by a CDN, is very slow at times too... should we start moving to a different SSH provider?

rknall commented 3 years ago

Any update on the status of this project?

agrinman commented 3 years ago

Krypton WebAuthn/FIDO2 for web-based authentication is very much alive and in active development -- we have a number of exciting updates coming soon.

That said, the kr developer cli side of Krypton is not currently in active development. This may change after we have our upcoming release...please stay tuned.
